November 3
08:00 - 08:30 | Morning Meditation
Session by Aimée Coenen | Online
How to remain calm and peaceful while the world around you is changing day by day? Discover the benefits of mindfulness and meditation in these chaotic times and let me guide you through a mindful morning meditation.
A morning meditation helps to start your day feeling grounded, refreshed and in flow. It helps to reconnect to your inner self, to you. Which to me is the most valuable part!
This session is offered daily throughout the Wellbeing Week. Every session will focus on a different theme. Gratitude and loving kindness are some of them.
You can join one or two sessions, but why not join all four sessions!? To really experience the benefits of it!
During the session, make sure to be in a comfortable location where you won't be disturbed.
There is no experience needed and if you do have experience, you’re very welcome too.
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09:00 - 10:15 | Seeing clearly: unlocking the power of your intuition
Session by Christaan Caanen | Online
This session is for anyone looking to unlock the power of their intuition and use more of it in their life! Intuition is one of the most powerful tools intrinsic to all of us that we can use to create our own happiness, success, and a more loving and sustainable world. For many however our intuition is snowed under through some of the lesson we learn while growing up. Here it’s missing potential. In this session you’ll get reacquainted with your intuition, learn what things are limiting it from functioning properly, and what tools you can can use to bring this unstoppable force more to the surface!
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09:00 - 15:00 | Try Out Squash
Session at UM Sports | University Sports Centre P. Debyeplein 15
Squash is a good way to stay fit and is even one of the healthiest sports in the world (Forbes, 2003). You burn many calories and improve the flexibility and strength of your muscles. In addition, squash is good for your mental health, because exercise is relaxing and reduces your stress level.
Have you always wanted to try squash out? Then this is your chance. On Monday 1 November and Wednesday 3 November, you can book a squash court in the University Sports Centre (USC) for 30 minutes slots for free!
Please bring with you:
- Comfortable sportswear
- Indoor shoes (note: no black soles!)
- Squash racket and squash ball if you have them, otherwise you can borrow them in the USC.
10:30 - 12:00 | Juggling at the USC learning spaces
De-stress session|University Sports Centre P. Debyeplein 15
Feeling stressed? The image of the computer screen stuck to your eyes? Time for a little break! Try learning how to juggle! Juggling is a great way to focus your mind on something else for a while. It also improves the cooperation between the left- and right side of your brain, making it easier to focus and continue your work afterwards. It also improves hand-eye coordination and helps prevent sore wrists from typing.
Drop by for how long you wish during the Wellbeing week at the USC learning spaces to get an introduction to juggling and start your practice!
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11:30 - 12:30|Promoting mental health in youth with @ease
Presentation & discussion by Sven Janssen of @ease|UCM, room D1.037
Around 75% of mental illnesses develop before the age of 25, while only 25% of these people get the help they need to tackle their anxiety, sadness, depression, and more. In 2018, @ease was founded with the goal to make a change by supporting these youngsters on finding and initiating help, and in doing so improving their overall mental health. In this event we will talk about the mental health issues surrounding youth. In addition we will analyse this subject with an open discussion on how we could help this vulnerable age group.
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12:00 - 13:00 |Midweek Meditation -CANCELLED!!
Every week Wednesday at noon, have an opportunity to take a deep breath, sit down, and meditate to find your balance back. Mid-week is a good time to practice consciousness, love, and silence. Join Petra for one hour of guided meditation and relaxation in which the experience of silence is the most important.
Petra Körmendy has been teaching meditation for more than 15 years, she is trained in different meditation traditions, such as vipassana, Sufi, zen, mantra, kriya, tantra, and several Christian meditation techniques. She teaches basics of enabling your heart to feel, your mind to silence, and your whole being to open.
Because of the vulnerable nature of practising meditation and thus in the interest of everyone attending, we like to ask you to join on time. In case you happen to be late, please simply join for the next meditation on Monday at 9:30.
No need to register. More info:
13:00 - 14:30 | A mindful journey
Workshop by Joyce Finlay | SSC, room B0.27
A Mindful Journey. In this workshop your host, Joyce Finlay, Inner Wellbeing Coach will explain a little bit about mindfulness and meditation. After this short explanation she will guide you through a relaxing yoga nidra session, followed by a mindful movement activity. Just bring a towel or mat and pillow so you feel comfortable sitting and laying down. For any questions please email
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13:30 - 16:30 |Introduction into family constellations
Workshop by Gerard Bekker |UCM, room D2.041
A family constellation can provide insight into behavioural patterns that can have their root in your family line. In every system there are systemic principles that influence the way we live our lives and maybe block our true expression. During a family constellation we take a look at the elements that influence your life and the way you live it. These insights can help you to live your life more freely.
In this workshop I will explain family constellations and we will do one or two constellations.
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14:00 - 16:00 | Juggling at the USC learning spaces
De-stress session|University Sports Centre P. Debyeplein 15
Feeling stressed? The image of the computer screen stuck to your eyes? Time for a little break! Try learning how to juggle! Juggling is a great way to focus your mind on something else for a while. It also improves the cooperation between the left- and right side of your brain, making it easier to focus and continue your work afterwards. It also improves hand-eye coordination and helps prevent sore wrists from typing.
Drop by for how long you wish during the Wellbeing week at the USC learning spaces to get an introduction to juggling and start your practice!
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14:00 - 16:00 | Wandel Woensdag - NL
Walk by MSV Santé |starting point: Stadspark Hoge Brug
Tijdens de Wellbeing Week is het van belang om genoeg tijd voor jezelf te pakken. Wat is een betere manier dan genieten van de buitenlucht tijdens een rustgevende wandeling gezamenlijk met MSV Santé. Tijdens Wandel Woensdag zullen we een mooie route door Maastricht lopen voor 2 uur lang. Heb jij zin om even de benen te strekken? Kom dan gerust langs!
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14:00 - 16:00 | Creativity - CANCELLED
At its heart, creativity is simply the production of novel, appropriate ideas in any realm of human activity, from science, to the arts, to education, to business, to everyday life. In this workshop, the creative process will be introduced with some small exercises inside and one bigger exercise outside. Afterwards, you should have a better understanding of how you can further enhance your own creative problem solving skills.
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15:00 - 17:00 | How to choose, get in the flow and be increasingly more productive in this era of overload
Interactive lecture by Albert Vijghen | Tapijn 11, room F0.014
We live in an unprecedented time of infinite choices and information. This can lead some to flourish, yet others feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and paralysed. Not knowing what to choose and then sometimes feeling guilty because you were given the world but not capitalizing on all these great opportunities.
This interactive lecture will guide you how to choose for your unique identity. Then if you know what the right things are for you, we will look at how to set the framework to get into flow (the state you get into 3 hours before the deadline of that next paper). Lastly, we cover the basics of ‘one-timers’ that continuously will make you more productive.
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18:00 - 20:00|How can you help someone who is struggling with suicidal thoughts? - FOR STUDENTS ONLY
Suicide Prevention workshop by 113 Suicide Prevention | Online
Made possible by a gift in memory of the death of Marjolijn Nijhof, UM student - 1990-2015.
At work or in your private life you can encounter someone who is dealing with suicidal thoughts.
This workshop, hosted by 113 Suicide Prevention, will showcase how to talk about it and how to look for help together.
What to expect?
- Noticing the signals: people who are thinking about suicide tend to change their behavior.
- Facts and fiction: many misunderstandings about suicide exist.
- Do and Don’ts: talking about suicide can save a life.
- Ask the question: when you think someone has suicidal thoughts, make sure to ask.
- Listen, show empathy: when someone tells you that he/she is thinking about suicide, ask more specific questions.
- Look for help together: someone who is suicidal needs help right away.
- Take good care of yourself: dealing with a loved one in suicidal crisis can be very emotional.
- Learn more about the services of 113 Suicide Prevention.
For this session you will receive a Zoom link closer to date!
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19:00 - 20:30 | Shining a light on bright students
Interactive lecture by Anke Smeenk & Maartje Cox | Online
Giftedness is not merely about being an ‘Einstein’ and having an IQ score >130. The stereotypical view of gifted people being happy and successful without any help does not nearly match reality in most cases. In daily life, giftedness often comes together with feelings of doubt, anxiety, low self esteem, and feeling differently than others. Contrary to stereotypes of giftedness, it is not only cognitive ability, but a set of characteristics, including sensitivity, perfectionism, and awareness and these characteristics can add an extra layer to seemingly ‘normal’ problems. Yet, giftedness is not elitist or weird; it is just different! Understanding the various aspects of giftedness will support gifted students to develop and use their talents and to show them that it really is a gift!
Everyone (students, PhD's, tutors, mentors, etc.) is welcome to join this interactive lecture in English during which we will explore the prejudices and pitfalls of giftedness together. Our goals are to present an alternative framework regarding stereotypical thinking about giftedness and to provide insights into the different struggles and associated underlying processes that many gifted people encounter throughout their lives.
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Z - gesloten - Wellbeing Week 2021
Z - gesloten - Wellbeing Week
Z - gesloten - Wellbeing Week 2021wellbeingmovement@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Z - gesloten - Wellbeing Week 2021Z - gesloten - Wellbeing Week 20210.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Maastricht UniversityMaastricht UniversityMinderbroedersberg 4-6 6211 LK Maastricht Netherlands