November 2
08:00 - 08:30 | Morning Meditation
Session by Aimée Coenen | Online
How to remain calm and peaceful while the world around you is changing day by day? Discover the benefits of mindfulness and meditation in these chaotic times and let me guide you through a mindful morning meditation.
A morning meditation helps to start your day feeling grounded, refreshed and in flow. It helps to reconnect to your inner self, to you. Which to me is the most valuable part!
This session is offered daily throughout the Wellbeing Week. Every session will focus on a different theme. Gratitude and loving kindness are some of them.
You can join one or two sessions, but why not join all four sessions!? To really experience the benefits of it!
During the session, make sure to be in a comfortable location where you won't be disturbed.
There is no experience needed and if you do have experience, you’re very welcome too.
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09:30 - 11:00 | Loslopen - NL
Session by Angelique Weitmann |Sint-Pietersberg, Chalet Bergrust, Luikerweg 17
Stap uit de drukte van de dag. Zeg vaarwel tegen je laptop en ga naar buiten. Gun jezelf een moment van rust en ontspanning. Vooral nu. Deze wandeling geeft je de mogelijkheid om tot jezelf te komen. De dingen die je bezighouden, de vragen die je hebt. Bijvoorbeeld: doe ik de juiste dingen, hoe kan ik goed voor mezelf zorgen, waar word ik blij van,... In de stilte komen de antwoorden vanzelf. Perioden van stilte worden afgewisseld met oefeningen die inzicht geven. Een ontspannen wandeling in stilte. Laat je verrassen door de natuur!
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10:30 - 12:00 | Reducing procrastination with mindfulness
Workshop by Yvette Vermeer of Write Way| Online
Do you have trouble with starting or motivating yourself? This is a beginner mindfulness workshop for anyone who wants to start to enjoy studying and writing. The interactive workshop covers procrastination and how it leads to more anxiety, stress, writer's block, and low self-esteem. Together we will practice mindfulness together with practical tips that will help with reducing procrastinating behaviours. Practical tips include time management, productivity techniques, efficient learning, and common mistakes with writing. Ready to receive some tips and practice mindfulness exercises to reduce procrastination?
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11:00 - 12:30 | Shining a light on bright students -NL
Workshop by Anke Smeenk | Uns40 C0.553, Keulenzaal
‘Hoe hoger het IQ, hoe lager het EQ’.
‘Alleen als je excellente prestaties hebt, mag je jezelf hoogbegaafd noemen’.
‘Hoogbegaafden kunnen niet goed samen werken’.
In de samenleving bestaan allerlei ideeën over wat hoogbegaafdheid inhoudt en het woord hoogbegaafdheid kent dan ook vaak een negatieve lading. In tegenstelling tot het stereotype beeld dat alle hoogbegaafde mensen heel succesvol zijn en excellente prestaties leveren zonder hulp, gaat hoogbegaafd in het dagelijks leven vaak gepaard met gevoelens van twijfel en je anders voelen. In feite is hoogbegaafdheid niet alleen het hebben van een goed cognitief vermogen of een IQ hoger dan 130, maar juist een reeks van kenmerken, waaronder hoge sensitiviteit, twijfel en perfectionisme. Deze kenmerken voegen een extra laag complexiteit toe aan schijnbaar ‘normale’ problemen en kunnen daardoor leiden tot minder zelfvertrouwen, uitstelgedrag, falende resultaten en zo ook het persoonlijk welzijn op een negatieve manier beïnvloeden.
Voel je je vaak anders dan anderen, maar weet je niet waarom? Vind je het soms moeilijk je motivatie en interesse voor waar je mee bezig bent voor langere tijd te behouden? Twijfel je veel? Vind je heel veel verschillende uiteenlopende zaken interessant? Heb je het idee dat je snel geprikkeld bent en soms ook overprikkeld bent door je omgeving?
Als je een aantal van deze vragen herkent, discussieer dan mee.
Deze workshop (Nederlandstalig) is gericht op studenten die persoonlijke interesse of vragen hebben over hoogbegaafdheid en graag samen met ons willen nadenken en discussiëren over vooroordelen en valkuilen die kunnen spelen rondom hoogbegaafdheid en met ons voorbij deze vooroordelen willen kijken.
Ons doel is om enerzijds een alternatief kader te laten zien voor het denken over hoogbegaafdheid en anderzijds om inzicht te geven in de verschillende valkuilen en de daarbij behorende onderliggende processen.
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11:00 - 12:30 | Introduction workshop climbing
Session by Rachel Nilwik at UM Sports | University Sports Centre P. Debyeplein 15
Experience climbing! This sport is not just a physical challenge, it also pushes your boundaries and teaches you to trust someone else.
In the workshop, you will learn how to belay (secure) each other, so that you can safely climb up the wall while being secured to a rope. You will climb up on coloured grips, while your climbing partner on the floor holds the rope tight. Then you will swap tasks and belay the other.
You decide the difficulty of the route, or the height you want to achieve. That way you can really use your creativity, push your limits or stay well within your comfort zone; it’s completely up to you.
But most of all, climbing is a lot of fun!
Please bring with you:
- Comfortable clothing in which you can move around well
- Preferably long trousers
- Clean sports shoes (or climbing shoes if you have them)
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13:00 - 14:30 | Introduction workshop climbing
Session by Rachel Nilwik at UM Sports | University Sports Centre P. Debyeplein 15
Experience climbing! This sport is not just a physical challenge, it also pushes your boundaries and teaches you to trust someone else.
In the workshop, you will learn how to belay (secure) each other, so that you can safely climb up the wall while being secured to a rope. You will climb up on coloured grips, while your climbing partner on the floor holds the rope tight. Then you will swap tasks and belay the other.
You decide the difficulty of the route, or the height you want to achieve. That way you can really use your creativity, push your limits or stay well within your comfort zone; it’s completely up to you.
But most of all, climbing is a lot of fun!
Please bring with you:
- Comfortable clothing in which you can move around well
- Preferably long trousers
- Clean sports shoes (or climbing shoes if you have them)
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13:00 - 14:30 | The lost art of being YOU
Inspirational session by Bart Scholtissen| Tapijn, building X, room 0.110
In these crazy times we are challenged to let go of old limiting believes more than ever, we need to realize that our system is adaptive and very capable of living a long and happy life.
It’s time we let go of old dogmas that have been holding us back from living our full potential. It’s time we get reconnected with ourselves, each other, and the world we live in again! This way we can create balance and overcome most sickness and disease.
The steps we can take to go on this journey are relatively simple. Living in the present moment, letting go of attachment, being grateful, being vulnerable, breathing better, and overall reconnecting with nature are all ways to get back to your true nature. And by doing this we are all able to live a more happy, healthy, and strong life.
During this session I will take you along on an important part of the journey I have travelled over the last few years after leaving the academic world due to a major burnout. I’ll share the lessons I’ve learned, and hope to inspire you to be more you! Looking forward to meeting you offline!
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13:00 - 16:00 | Voice Dialogue
Workshop by Jeroen Tessers| SSC, room B0.27
"I want to finish my studies, but I keep postponing writing my thesis"
"I want to apply for that traineeship, but I am afraid I am not good enough"
"Everything I do must be perfect, but I fear I'm burning out."
Would you like to handle these kind of dilemmas more effectively? Then Voice Dialogue might be worth a try!
Voice Dialogue is a self-insight method in which you are facilitated in having a conversation with different parts of your own personality. During this workshop you will take a small step in getting to know and manage yourself better!
14:00 - 15:30 | Digital Detox - how to bring purpose into your technology use
Workshop by Jurn Glazenburg|Inner city library, Grote Looiersstraat 17
Let’s take a closer look at your use of social media and tech. Do you have a balanced media- and ‘being offline’ diet? Or are you struggling with the fear of missing out of abundance of media that is on display 24/7. Join us on this practical inquiry and enhance your wellbeing.
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15:30 - 17:00 | Juggling at the inner city library
De-stress session|Inner city library, Grote Looiersstraat 17
Feeling stressed? The image of the computer screen stuck to your eyes? Time for a little break! Try learning how to juggle! Juggling is a great way to focus your mind on something else for a while. It also improves the cooperation between the left- and right side of your brain, making it easier to focus and continue your work afterwards. It also improves hand-eye coordination and helps prevent sore wrists from typing.
Drop by during the Wellbeing week at the Library to get an introduction to juggling and start your practice!
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15:00 - 16:30 | Custom made: a workshop on consent based relationships
Workshop by Leonie der Kinderen|UM Guesthouse, Brouwersweg 100, go to the reception and follow the signs
When we start a new relationship (in the broadest sense of the word), or get physically intimate with a new person we often recreate habitual or normative behaviours. In this meeting we will focus on breaking through your conditioning and discuss different ways of being together using consent as a guideline.
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16:00 - 17:30 |Ashtanga yoga class
Session by Mara Lugeni | InnBetween, Capucijnenstraat 122
This yoga class is guided by our wonderful yoga teacher Mara Lugeni and is suitable for both beginners and advanced yoga practitioners. It starts with a short meditation from where we continue into a dynamic yoga sequence, finished by a deep relaxation.
The Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa is a powerful and dynamic kind of traditional yoga.
It is also called "The Yoga of Breath" because we will focus on a special breathing technique while we are practising the sequence of the postures. It's a moving meditation; we create heat and develop strength and flexibility in the body, because only with a strong and healthy body you can have a strong and steady mind.
We ask for a 5-15€ contribution per class to support our professional teachers.
We encourage you to bring your own yoga mats, but will provide some mats for those who do not have their own.
No need to register. More info:
17:00 - 18:30 | Behind the scenes
Inspirational talk by Liesbeth Mouha| Tapijn, building X, room 0.110
“I’m an Olympian.” When I tell my story, most people are in awe. And I must admit my highlight list sounds pretty amazing. I played for 10 years as a professional (beach) volleyball player, competing in many European Championships, World Championships and the Olympic games in Beijing 2008.
However, behind the scenes my life was definitely not as glamorous as it may sound. At the age of 16, I was told I was too fat to be an elite high performance player. That was the onset of years of dieting (and failing all these diets), a disordered eating pattern for the majority of my sports career, loathing my body, undermining my self-worth and seeing myself as ‘never-good-enough’.
In this session, I will take you through my lows and highs. I will share with you how I could still perform on court, even though I felt unworthy to be there. And, most importantly, I will share with you how after years of putting myself down I managed to fully love myself again. As I am, just me: winning or losing; lean or a little less lean.
I hope to inspire you to put yourself first and to unconditionally love yourself so you can always follow your own path, no matter what the outer world has to say.
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18:00 - 20:00|How can you help someone who is struggling with suicidal thoughts? - FOR STUDENTS ONLY
Suicide Prevention workshop by 113 Suicide Prevention | Online
Made possible by a gift in memory of the death of Marjolijn Nijhof, UM student - 1990-2015.
At work or in your private life you can encounter someone who is dealing with suicidal thoughts.
This workshop, hosted by 113 Suicide Prevention, will showcase how to talk about it and how to look for help together.
What to expect?
- Noticing the signals: people who are thinking about suicide tend to change their behavior.
- Facts and fiction: many misunderstandings about suicide exist.
- Do and Don’ts: talking about suicide can save a life.
- Ask the question: when you think someone has suicidal thoughts, make sure to ask.
- Listen, show empathy: when someone tells you that he/she is thinking about suicide, ask more specific questions.
- Look for help together: someone who is suicidal needs help right away.
- Take good care of yourself: dealing with a loved one in suicidal crisis can be very emotional.
- Learn more about the services of 113 Suicide Prevention.
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19:00 - 20:00 | Yoga together for everybody - FULL
Session by Judith Konrad| (UM Guesthouse, Brouwersweg 100, go to the reception and follow the signs)
You always wanted to try yoga, you love festivals and the feeling of being united, being in the state of flow? This will be a really special yoga class where everybody can join, no matter if experienced yogi or it's the first time you are on the mat. Just come and join! Practising yoga with so many people at the same time is a feeling that can't be described by anything else, it just needs to be experienced!
Please bring your own mat if you have one!
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Z - gesloten - Wellbeing Week 2021
Z - gesloten - Wellbeing Week
Z - gesloten - Wellbeing Week 2021wellbeingmovement@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Z - gesloten - Wellbeing Week 2021Z - gesloten - Wellbeing Week 20210.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Maastricht UniversityMaastricht UniversityMinderbroedersberg 4-6 6211 LK Maastricht Netherlands