Walk-In Workshop


Please register at the following page: registration form.

Walk-In questions the relationship between Architecture and Urban Design Practice & Mobility and it examines strategies that address the need and definition of a data-driven Integrated Design approach. This research project is funded by NWO and it is linking Academia with Professional Practice, providing a Design for Co-creation on station design and station area development. Walk-In is connected to master design education at TU Delft, department of Architecture.

How can we improve mobility transitions, making them seamless? How can stations be the enablers of this transition, making them more inviting with spatial quality and attractive for people? Walk-In focuses on the condition of ‘transition’ of suburban rail-metro stations in metropolitan areas. Rotterdam Zuid area has been used as test-bed for this research to explore the potential of stations to become new centralities with node, place and people values.

Walk-In workshop includes Lectures by our design partners PosadMaxwan, Mecanoo, De Zwarte Hond and guests from AREP multidisciplinary architecture firm, a Panel discussion with several experts, such as Delta Metropool and Bureau Spoorbouwmeester, and a Working session with stakeholders on a real case.



 NWO-Kiem GoCi   walk_in_project


Research output:

Dutch Design Week’22, Design for Debate and Co-creation article: https://collaboration.forimpact.nl/projects/walk-in
City of Innovations Master studio 2022, Transit-Stations book: https://books.open.tudelft.nl/home/catalog/book/51