Meeting and purpose


We would like to invite to an online meeting on Friday 18 October at 14.00-15.30 to discuss the proposed new Human Resources policy for staff with disabilities, chronic illness and neurodivergence.

For some time, UnliMited has been calling for more attention to be paid to staff with disabilities, chronic illness and neurodivergence in UM policies, including the development of a policy on reasonable accommodations / adjustments. An important development in this respect was our meeting with the Rector at the end of last year, when we discussed the experiences of UnliMited members with her. The Rector subsequently committed to taking action in this field.

Last month, a very important step was taken in this respect. The Executive Board of UM approved a proposal for a policy on staff with disabilities, chronic illness and neurodivergence, and a proposal to establish a Disability Equality Steering Group. 

The Disability Equality Steering Group would be made up of staff with disabilities, chronic illness and neurodivergence, and persons who associate / support individuals with a disability, chronic illness and neurodivergence (such as family members) and represent the views of such staff. It will be able to input into discussions on new and existing policies and raise awareness of problems and barriers such staff experience. The proposal for the Disability Steering Group was drafted by the core group of UnliMited-Staff and, if approved, it will be our responsibility to put this part of the new policy into practice.

That policy is now being commented on by various university bodies. UnliMited also has the opportunity to give feedback on these policy documents. That is what we will discuss at the meeting on Friday 18 October on Zoom. We will have break out groups in Dutch and English.

On behalf of the core group of UnliMited, we invite all our members - including staff with disabilities, chronic illness and neurodivergence who have not been in touch with UnliMited before - to join this meeting and tell us your views. We want to hear from you and help to make this policy as good as it can be!

The relevant policy documents are not yet public - as they are still subject to discussion. However, we can share the documents with members who register for this meeting. If you cannot attend this meeting, but would still like to contribute in writing, please get in touch too by email:

We look forward to seeing as many as possible of you online on Friday 18 October.


Best wishes, on behalf of the core group of UnliMited-Staff,

Lisa Waddington and Netty Bekkers