TUnder 2024 - 2025
What is TUnder?
As a teacher, you never stop learning. We believe that one of the best ways to enhance your teaching is through connecting with other teachers. This is why we have created TUnder; TU Delft’s initiative for facilitating teacher-to-teacher development.
Why is it important?
Teaching is hugely rewarding, but also can be challenging. These challenges can take many forms, from how to engage large groups, to how to design for active learning, and many, many more. Unfortunately, all too often teachers, both new and experienced, struggle with these challenges alone or perhaps are not aware of an area that could be improved upon. We believe that through making connections and learning together, you will be able to take your teaching to the next level in a relaxed and supportive environment.
You can register for a specific quarter, we do this because we want to make sure that both of you are teaching so you can observe each other. For TUnder 2024 & 2025 you can choose Q1, Q2, Q3 and/or Q4.
Returning customer?
If you already participated, we are happy to have you joining again! Actually most of you come back for a second or even third round. We will make sure you get another inspiring match.
What does it entail - in 6 steps
⚡ Registration & Match: You register your interest in joining the initiative and provide us with more information on your experience and on the specific interests you wish to learn more about or develop in. At the start of the quarter you will be matched and get informed about the process.
💡 Questionnaire 1: For the first meeting you complete a short reflecting questionnaire, which results in you describing what you would like to focus on. (In the meeting itself you will meet your match and discuss your answers and focus area.)
⚡ Meet: The introduction meeting between you and your match is scheduled by us. During this meeting you will discuss questionnaire 1 and schedule the next meetings together.
👀 Observation: Visit each other’s teaching activity and provide short feedback afterwards, via an observation form.
💡 Questionnaire 2: After the observations, you will fill out another questionnaire, which asks you to reflect on your teaching and on this specific experience, and specify areas you wish to improve on going forward.
✨ Final Meeting: You will have a final meeting with your match to share your answers to this second questionnaire and see if the professional spark between you could continue in further conversations, collaborations and learning from each other.
Every quarter we organise an optional feedback lunch or send out a short survey. This is the moment where the participants share their experiences with each other and give us feedback on how to improve and grow TUnder for the future.
TUnder 2024

TUnder 2024d.rietdijk@tudelft.nl
TUnder 2024d.rietdijk@tudelft.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/tunder2024
TUnder 2024TUnder 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced