Demo Plaza

Demo Plaza​

Get inspired by the latest technologies at our Demo Plaza, where you can meet our partners, business relations, entrepreneurs, and scientists during the networking drinks. You can expect:

  • AI and Strawberry: The app: ‘A Mobile Application for Near Real-Time Strawberry Quality Prediction’ created in this project won ‘best demo’ at BNAIC last year. Soft fruits often go to waste due to their fragility and short shelf life, which results in high costs even before the product reaches the consumer. Multiple industry partners teamed up with the AI department of TU Delft to develop a prediction model. Algorithms are used to calculate the right time to harvest the fruit and to determine which distribution channel best suits the predicted shelf life. Which strawberry is suitable for which chain, and vice versa? Through machine learning, computer vision, and algorithms, better decisions about harvesting and distribution are made possible. Read more.

  • SenseNL: SenseNL develops intelligent wireless sensors for the agriculture and horticulture sector. Its CARA MET sensor, which provides highly accurate insight into the plant's root zone, actively contributes to accelerating digitalisation within the industry. Read more.

  • AgriRobotic Solutions: Multiple research and innovation partners from the NXTGEN project and other initiatives will showcase their Agrirobotic solutions. These include a tactile sensor for gripping and harvesting, a tiny smart e-nose, a carrier platform for harvested produce, and more.

  • FruitFrost: TU Delft's Geoscience & Remote Sensing department is running this project in collaboration with farmers. It is researching local measures to combat spring frosts in fruit orchards. The aim is to develop new knowledge to help prevent crop losses. The approach: field experiments combined with state-of-the-art measurement tools, simulations and analysis of the effect of frost on trees and blossom. “Clarity on Fruit Frost” will deliver low-cost, low-power, wireless, distributed sensor networks with automated data handling. This will enable real-time visualisation of sub-zero regions, resulting in a decision support tool allowing farmers to take immediate and precise localised action. Read more.

  • Tomatoworld: Tomatoworld is the horticultural greenhouse experience in Westland and will demonstrate how to produce safe and fresh food in a greenhouse. Read more.

  • TU Delft Campus: TU Delft Campus collaborates with other knowledge institutes, stimulates and facilitates start-ups and offers an international breeding ground to more than 275 companies. Read more.

More demo's will be added, so visit the website for regular updates!
