Support group for students
When your family member has a mental illness
When a family member has psychological problems or is struggling with substance abuse, this often has consequences for the family, and therefore also for you. Much at home revolves around the illness or addiction of your family member. You may have taken over all kinds of responsibilities, such as taking care of the household or for younger siblings. Most likely you don't know anyone of your own age who has similar experiences. Maybe you feel alone, because there is no one around to share your situation with. It can be difficult to live your own life when the physical distance between you and your parents or family member increases as well, particularly when you study or work abroad.
Although you might not know it, there are many young people with a parent or other family member with mental and/or addiction problems. Often, they have faced similar situations like you did. Exchanging experiences with peers who have similar experiences can help you cope better with your own situation.
Meetings: We facilitate meetings for students with a father, mother or other family member who has mental health problems or substance abuse problem. Together, you may find recognition, support and understanding. You are not the only one! The meetings are about different topics, including: What is going on with my family member? Is there something I can do about it? Is it hereditary? How can I live my own life? There is plenty of room to talk about things that are important to you. We organise the meetings both face to face and online.
Participation is free of charge.
More information: Would you like to know more about these meetings or register? Get in touch with Mark Meijer:, 06 -21128644.
COPMI - door Mondriaan
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COPMI - door Mondriaansecretarystudentdesk@maastrichtuniversity.nl
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