Introduction research project
Perfecting skills in domains of human movement such as sport, music and dance is a difficult challenge. Many repetitions and training hours for several years are necessary to achieve excellence. But overuse and injuries lure at the background to hamper progression and discontinue careers. Scientific research shows that with high quality practice it is possible to achieve more in less time, increasing the chances to reach (and maintain at) the top while remaining physically and mentally fit. The aim of the research project Training for Excellence (T4X) is to design, implement and evaluate innovative practice methods in sport (basketball), classical music and contemporary dance to perfect the required movement skills.
The research falls under the Amsterdam Institute of Sport Sciences (AISS) , a Sportinnovator Center in which the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC (both AMC en VUmc), Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Applied University InHolland, OLVG, Reade and Topsport Amsterdam collaborate. AISS investigates practical questions in sport, movement and health in close collaboration with sport organisations and other societal partners.
Project leader and postdoctoral researcher
. dr. Raôul Oudejans, (Associate) professor Learning and Performing in Sport (lector), Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
. dr Jolan Kegelaers, postdoctoral researcher at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Involved parties T4X:
- Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Faculty of Sports and Nutrition)(AUAS)
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Human Movement Sciences)(VU)
- Codarts Rotterdam
- Amsterdam Institute of Sport Sciences (collaboration of Amsterdam universities)(AISS)
- Conservatorium van Amsterdam (CvA)
- Royal Concertgebouworkest (RCO)
- Residentie Orchestra (RO)
- Dutch Basketball Federation (NBB)
- Orange Lions Academy Women
- TEL Technologies (BB-SYS)
- NLCoach
More information
On the website you can find all information (in Dutch), including several videos (with subtitels in English).
The research is funded by “Nationaal Regieorgaan Praktijkgericht Onderzoek SIA”, RAAK Publiek funding: RAAK.PUB04.027.
Symposium Training for Excellence
Registration website for Symposium Training for ExcellenceArko Sports Media on behalf of
Arko Sports Media on behalf of T4Xevents@sportsmedia.nl
Symposium Training for ExcellenceSymposium Training for Excellence0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
De Talenten Academie (in de Maaspoort)De Talenten Academie (in de Maaspoort)Marathonloop 1 5235AA Den Bosch Netherlands