Join us for the Ennatuurlijk Sustainable Heat Challenge - Finals Event
Ennatuurlijk and YES!Delft are inviting you to the finals event of the Sustainable Heat Challenge, to accelerate the transformation from gas-fuelled heat-producing systems to carbon-free solutions. In this challenge, teams from all over Europe that have a sustainable hardware solution for heating generation will be competing to pilot their solution in a local neighbourhood with Ennatuurlijk and partners.
The Challenge | Carbon emissions can be reduced by more sustainable solutions for heat production. Ennatuurlijk is looking for ideas and solutions that increase the sustainability of district heating networks. The solutions must:
- Be more carbon-neutral or cheaper than the existing solutions.
- Be a hardware solution. Software or AI solutions will not be considered.
- Provide easy integration in the current infrastructure and in existing technical rooms.
- Be reliable and provide sufficient availability during the year.
The sustainable hardware solution must be innovative, scalable, and be competitive with current CHP (combined heat and power) or gas boiler solutions. The solution can be a prototype or MVP, but needs to be ready for roll-out
Finals Event | During this event, 10 teams will be pitching their future-proof and sustainable heating solutions. The teams pitching the most sustainable, scalable, or competitive hardware idea will win his challenge and an expert jury will be awarding two prizes:
The big promise award: for radical technologies that need more development before they are commercially viable. The team winning this award will further develop their idea together with Ennatuurlijk.
The ready for tomorrow award: for technologies that are ready for deployment in the field. Teams winning this award will do a pilot project with Ennatuurlijk. If successful, the solution might be implemented and scaled to more locations.
Program Finals Event | October 7th
15:30 - 15:50 | Welcome and Introduction
15:50 - 16:20 | Pitches + Q&A from the Jury
16:20 - 16:30 | Break
16:30 - 17:00 | Pitches and demo + Q&A from the Jury
17:00 - 17:30 | Jury deliberation
17:30 - 17:50 | Announcement of the winner
17:50 - 18:00 | Closing event
This event will be held at YES!Delft but also streamed online. If you register here, you will receive a link via email to join the online event.
Don't miss out on the Finals Event of the Ennatuurlijk Sustainable Heat Challenge and sign up before the 5th of October!
Ennatuurlijk Sustainable Heat Challenge
Aniek Langendijkaniek@yesdelft.nl
Ennatuurlijk Sustainable Heat ChallengeEnnatuurlijk Sustainable Heat Challenge0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced