The 14th Annual MHeNs Research Day
Genes to Brain to Behaviour (G-B-B)
Online event - Wednesday 30 March 2022 - from 9.00-14.30 hrs
The 14th Annual MHeNs Research Day will provide an overview of the multidisciplinary research into resilience conducted at our school. We will highlight research covering the entire pathway from gene to brain to behaviour, answering questions such as: how is resilience to stressful environments reflected in gene expression profiles? What are the neural correlates of resilience? Which environmental and life-style factors promote brain plasticity after damage? And ultimately, how can the insights from research into resilience aid us to optimize neuroscience and move towards more effective prevention and treatment strategies? Talks will be interspersed with musical entertainment and interactive sessions, making this year’s Research Day an event you will not want to miss.
Best regards,
Prof. David Linden
Scientific Director - School for Mental Health and Neuroscience
The MHeNs Research Day will be hosted on the virtual meeting platform Gather.
Organising committee:
Seb Koehler, Nina Possemis, Dennis van der Meer, Stella Voulgaropoulou, Sarah Hesham, Daan van Kruining, Peggy Bisschoff, Damaris Kentgens and Marie-Thérèse Moers.
MHeNS Research Day 2022
Marie-Thérèse Moerssecr-mhens@maastrichtuniversity.nl
MHeNS Research Day 2022MHeNS Research Day 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Van der Valk HotelVan der Valk HotelNijverheidsweg 35 6227 AL Maastricht Netherlands