RED&BLUE input form

Thanks for taking time to give us your thoughts/ideas and input to help us together strengthen and fuel the three-layer engagement strategy. The questions beneath are regarding the three layers as described in the RED&BLUE Lab document that was sent to you.

Furthermore, as mentioned in the email, at the end of the form you can upload your workplan (for Postdocs and PhD's) and the further outlined WorkPackage deliverables (only one per WP needed). 

Please submit your input below before Christmas, or January 10 at the latest. 

Regarding Layer 2: What sectors/professions are we missing in the consortium, that could actively contribute to the RED&BLUE project (in terms of content, events or dissemination)? 

Regarding Layer 3: Which are the (social)media channels that you or your network follow? Think of congresses/ city festivals/ podcasts / webpages/ etc?