Marlies Gijs, Ph.D., is assistant professor at the University Eye Clinic of the Maastricht University (the Netherlands). Her research focuses on the biochemical analysis of tear fluid and the ocular surface. She has a broad background in biochemistry and laboratory technology with specific training and expertise in protein analysis. She demonstrated for the first time presence of amyloid-beta and tau peptides in tear fluid of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. After this discovery she continues to work on potential biomarkers in tear fluid for neurological diseases. Next to that, she focuses on ophthalmic conditions but also other diseases such as COVID-19. Furthermore, she is the founder of the international Tear Research Network, which has a membership of over 170 individuals. Through this network, she actively collaborates to harmonize tear fluid research on an international scale.
Euron PhD Days
Euron PhD
Euron PhD Dayssecr.euron@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Euron PhD DaysEuron PhD Days0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Cité ScientifiqueCité ScientifiqueAvenue Henri Poincaré BP 30155 59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex France