Positive Energy Districts Conference
Join us in June at the Positive Energy Districts Conference in Amsterdam for a unique opportunity to exchange experiences, share ideas and develop new insights with policymakers, researchers and civil servants.
Based on the outcomes of the very lively pre-meeting on April 19, we have prepared a dynamic two-day programme, with interesting keynote speakers and inspiring excursions integrated into our programme. We provide you with the latest international insights on PEDs, teach you how to get a grip on the real implementation of technologies and systems, unlock European examples and tools for planning and implementing PEDs, and offer visits to cutting-edge demonstration sites in Amsterdam, with plenty of opportunities for mingling and networking.
PED conference
Registration website for PED conferencePED conferencewendy.vanschie@platform31.nl
PED conferencewendy.vanschie@platform31.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/pedconference
PED conferencePED conference0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
hogeschool van amsterdamhogeschool van amsterdamFraijlemaborg 133 2611AL Delft Netherlands