
Welcome on the registration website of the OpenFoam course organized by the TU Delft Institute for Computational Science and Engineering (DCSE).

Introduction to using OpenFOAM for CFD analysis
Date: July 1, 2022
Location: Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD Delft, Laboratory Room Penguin lab (HB02.130).

This course aims at MSc/PhD students and industry staff members who like to get familiar with OpenFOAM for fluid dynamics applications. The course is intended for beginners with no previous experience in OpenFOAM, however, the following entry-level skills are expected:

  • Basic fluid mechanics concepts (e.g. Navier–Stokes equations, Reynolds and Mach numbers,    boundary layer, turbulent flows)
  • Basic knowledge of CFD (e.g. finite volume method, discretization error, stability, convergence)
  • Basic knowledge of Linux terminal

Study goals:

  • Generate unstructured and multi-block structured meshes using Gmsh (open source)
  • Set up and run basic CFD simulations using OpenFOAM
  • Visualize results using Paraview (open source)
  • To get an overview of the available solvers in OpenFOAM for different application fields
  • Adjust existing tutorials of advanced solvers for their own flow cases

The maximum number of participants is 30. Please register early as we expect that more than 30 people will be interested in participating. For members of DCSE this course is free, TU Delft students pay € 50,- for the lunch and course material. For other participants the costs are € 200,- (including lunch and course material). For those who have registered for the first edition of the course but were put on the reserve list, there will be no registration fee.
If you have paid the registration fee and would like to de-register, we will charge you €10.

Please register for the DCSE Newsletter  to be updated for our upcoming events.

The organization committee