11.30 Walk-in lunch - Singelkerk
12.30 Opening Education Day
12.40 Keynote David Kellermann
13.30 Coffee break
13.40 Community Cafés- University Library and Singelkerk (see themes here)
- Sustainability moderated by Coyan Tromp; location is Bibliotheek at the Singelkerk
- FRIS moderated by Mieke Lopes Cardozo; location is Kerkenraadskamer in the Singelkerk
- Impact Learning moderated by Rosanne van Wieringen and Katucha Sol; location is Doelenzaal in the Universiteitsbibliotheek.
- The role of interdisciplinarity in the learning community moderated by Eelke Heemkerk; location is Potgieterszaal in the Universiteitsbibliotheek
14.20 Coffee break
14.40 Workshops - University Library and Singelkerk (see themes here)
Workshops at the Universiteitsbibliotheek:
- In-classroom teacher guided peer review moderated by Laura Lighaam and Nina Scheres; location Vondelzaal (in the Universiteitsbibliotheek)
- Incorporating active learning strategies into the classroom moderated by Hakan Körlü; location Doelenzaal (in the Universiteitsbibliotheek)
- Supporting students’ self-regulation and motivation to offline and online learning moderated by Ewa Międzobrodzka; location Potgieterszaal (in the Universiteitsbibliotheek)
- Improving together: Selfregulated learning in the workplace moderated by Chantal Albicher, Sander Corssmit, Janneke van der Hulst and Lida van der Merwe; location Belle van Zuylenzaal (in the Universiteitsbibliotheek)
Workshops at the Singelkerk:
- Science, society, and sustainability: Meet Sustaina Student Lab moderated by Dylan Suijker and Titus Rombouts; location Kerkenraadskamer (in the Singelkerk)
- Communal reading: powerful pedagogical tool for connection moderated by Lela Mosemghvdlishvili location Bibliotheek (in the Singelkerk)
- Incorporating Green Thinking: Sustainability, energy consumption in software moderated by Ana-Maria Oprescu location Souterrain (in the Singelkerk)
15.25 Coffee break - Singelkerk
15.35 Announcing UvA Lecturer of the Year 2022 - Singelkerk
16.05 Plenary wrap-up
16.30 Drinks
About keynote speaker Dr David Kellermann
Dr David Kellermann is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Engineering at UNSW Sydney. Kellermann has been focussed on developing educational technology as a space for learning, rather than as interactive content. He calls this the Digital Classroom, and ultimately the Digital Campus. His work in educational technology has become known among universities around the world, pushing into new territory with deeply integrated experiences that leverage data analytics, machine learning, and bots. These practices and technology are relevant to all because they are focussed on people and the art of classical education in a modern digital world. How do we develop and learn as a community?
About moderator Dr Mariska Knol
In her work life, Mariska Knol mostly enjoys working with teachers and students on building powerful learning environments. In the past 17 years, she’s worked as a (freelance) educational consultant, teacher-trainer, and coach for various institutes in the Netherlands. She wrote her dissertation at the UvA on “Improving University Lectures with Feedback and Consultation” (Knol, 2013). On a national level, she occasionally serves as a consultant for the Dutch government (MCOW, NWO-NRO, VSNU), resulting in new initiatives like the NRO Comenius Programme. In her private life, she’s currently obsessed with rebuilding a campervan to travel around with her three-year-old son.
Onderwijsdag 2022
Onderwijsdag 2022congres@uva.nl
Onderwijsdag 2022Onderwijsdag 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Singelkerk Amsterdam (plenary start at 12.30)Singelkerk Amsterdam (plenary start at 12.30)Herengracht 431 1017 AW Amsterdam Netherlands