Program 2025
16 January 2025
Official Opening and Welcome
Session 1: CT & CMR Basics
Chair: Prof. B.K. Velthuis, MD, PhD
2023 ESC Guidelines on Cardiomyopathies Prof. R. Nijveldt, MD,PhD, RadboudUMC, Nijmegen, NL |
Basic Principles of Cardiovascular CT Prof. R.P.J. Budde, MD, PhD, ErasmusMC, Rotterdam, NL |
Basic Principles of Cardiovascular MRI Prof. H.J. Lamb, MD, PhD, LUMC, Leiden, NL |
Coffee Break
Session 2: Cardiovascual Imaging (CVI) in (Sub)Acute Settings
Chair: J.W.C. Gratama, MD, PhD
Aortic Dissection Prof. R.P.J. Budde, MD, PhD, ErasmusMC, Rotterdam, NL |
Value of CMR in OHCA Prof. B.K. Velthuis, MD, PhD, UMCU, Utrecht, NL |
Myocarditis J. Forero, MD, Fundación Cardioinfantil/La Cardio, Bogota, CO |
Session 3: Valvular Disease
Chair: D.E. Garnica, MD
Ultrasound D.F. Holguin, MD, Fundación Cardioinfantil/La Cardio, Bogota, CO |
CT & MRI Prof. R. Nijveldt, MD,PhD, RadboudUMC, Nijmegen, NL |
What do I need - Local Perspective N. Fernandes, MD, CMC, Willemstad, CW |
Lunch Break
Session 4: Intervention
Chair: O.A. Witte, MD
2024 ESC Guidelines Chronic Coronary Syndromes E. Lipsic, MD, PhD, UMCG, Groningen, NL |
Self- and Remote- Monitoring of Atrial Fibrillation Y. Blaauw, MD, PhD, UMCG, Groningen, NL |
IVUS and OCT J. Torres, MD and J.M. Navarro, CMC, Willemstad, CW |
Session 5: Cases
Chair: A.F. Liqui Lung, MD
CT N. Fernandes, MD, CMC, CW |
MRI Prof. B.K. Velthuis, MD, PhD, UMCU, Utrecht, NL |
Ultrasound Prof. R. Nijveldt, MD,PhD, RadboudUMC, Nijmegen, NL |
Meet the Expert
Session 6: Imaging & General Practitioners (GPs) and Nurses
Chair: O.A. Witte, MD
Hypertension & LVH
Prof. R. Nijveldt, MD, PhD, RadboudMC, Nijmegen, NL
ECG Indications and Interpretation for GPs
E.Simon, MD, HaGa Hospital, The Hague, NL
3D - plus Center
E.Simon, MD, HaGa Hospital, The Hague, NL
Anomalous Aortic Origin of a Coronary Artery (AAOCA)
N. Sandoval, MD, Fundación Cardioinfantil/La Cardio, Bogota, CO
J. Torres, MD, CMC, Willemstad, CW
CMK Syndrome: Are we done with Racial Cardiology?
A.F. Liqui Lung, CMC, Willemstad, CW
17 January 2025
Session 7: Basic Principels of Cardiac Ultrasound & Nuclear Medicine
Chair: Prof. R. Nijveldt, MD, PhD
Basic Principles of Cardiovascular Ultrasound D.F. Holguin, MD , Fundación Cardioinfantil/La Cardio, Bogota, CO |
Clinical Indications for Cardiac Ultrasound J.J. Molina, MD, CMC, Willemstad, CW |
Basic Principles of Cardiovascular Nuclear Imaging H.J. Verberne, MD, PhD, AmsterdamUMC, Amsterdam, NL |
Coffee Break
Session 8: Imaging of Myocardial Ischaemia
Chair: H.J. Lamb, MD, PhD
PET/SPECT H.J. Verberne, MD, PhD, AmsterdamUMC, Amsterdam, NL |
FFRct Prof. R.P.J. Budde, MD, PhD, ErasmusMC, Rotterdam, NL |
CMR E. Simon, MD, HAGA, The Hague, NL |
Session 9: Inflammation
Chair: N. Fernandes, MD
Cardiac Sarcoidosis and Other Inflammatory Disease Prof. B.K. Velthuis, MD, PhD, UMCU, Utrecht, NL |
Ultrasound in Endocarditis D.E. Garnica, MD, Fundación Cardioinfantil/La Cardio, Bogota, CO |
PET/CT Infection and Inflammation H.J. Verberne, MD, PhD, AmsterdamUMC, Amsterdam, NL |
Lunch Break
Session 10: Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathies
Chair: A.F. Liqui Lung, MD
Athletes Heart versus Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Prof. B.K. Velthuis, MD, PhD, UMCU, Utrecht, NL |
Amyloidosis Prof. H.J. Lamb, MD, PhD, LUMC, Leiden, NL |
Dilated and Non-Compaction Cardiomyopathies D.E. Garnica, MD, Fundación Cardioinfantil/La Cardio, Bogota, CO |
Session 11: Cases
Chair: N. Sandoval, MD
Nuclear H.J. Verberne, MD, PhD, AmsterdamUMC, Amsterdam, NL |
PCI and TAVI D. Salas, MD, Fundación Cardioinfantil/La Cardio, Bogota, CO |
Cardiac Fibroma in an Infant - Cardiovascular Surgery N. Sandoval, MD Fundación Cardioinfantil/La Cardio, Bogota, CO |
Meet the Expert
18 January 2025
Session 12: CMR Safety Basics
Chair: Prof. B.K. Velthuis, MD, PhD
CMR Safety and Devices Prof. H.J. Lamb, MD, PhD, LUMC, Leiden, NL |
Contrast Agents in CMR & CTA Prof. T. Leiner, MD, PhD, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA |
Extracardiac Findings in Cardiac Imaging J. Forero, MD, Fundación Cardioinfantil/La Cardio, Bogota, CO |
Coffee Break
Session 13: Obesity & Diabetis mellitus Type 2
Chair: A.F. Liqui Lung, MD
Diabesity Imaging Prof. H.J. Lamb, MD, PhD, LUMC, Leiden, NL |
Obesity in the Caribbean Y. Gerstenbluth, Curaçao Biomedical & Health Research Institute, Willemstad, CW |
Obesity and Hypertension Y. Gerstenbluth, Curaçao Biomedical & Health Research Institute, Willemstad, CW |
Session 14: Cases
Chair: J.W.C. Gratama, MD, PhD
Chronic Total Occlusion Interventions E. Lipsic, MD, UMCG, Groningen, NL |
Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia: The Role of Pre-Procedural Imaging Y. Blaauw, MD, UMCG, Groningen, NL |
Ultrasound - Congenital Heart Disease C. Guerrero MD, Fundación Cardioinfantil/La Cardio, Bogota, CO |
Lunch Break
Session 15: Interventions
Chair: H.J. Verberne, MD, PhD
Device Program on Curaçao O.A. Witte, MD, CMC, Willemstad, CW |
Renal Denervations: Suitable for Curaçao? E. Lipsic, MD, UMCG, Groningen, NL |
Pulsed Field Ablations of Atrial Fibrillation Y. Blaauw, MD, UMCG, Groningen |
Session 16: Treatment of Obesity and Diabetis mellitus Type 2 in the Caribbean
Chair: O.A. Witte, MD
Gastric Bypass P.A. Cabrera, MD, Fundación Cardioinfantil/La Cardio, Bogota, CO |
Heart Rehabilitation J. Hol, Rafana Exercise Therapy, CW |
Medical Treatment by the Cardiologist A.F. Liqui Lung, MD, CMC, Willemstad, CW |
Closure of the meeting
Dutch Caribbean Heart Days 2025
Dr. Estelle Noach, COO
Dr. Estelle Noach, COO NHDnetherlandsheartdays@gmail.com
Dutch Caribbean Heart Days 2025Dutch Caribbean Heart Days 20250.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Renaissance Wind Creek CuraçaoRenaissance Wind Creek CuraçaoBaden Powellweg 1 Willemstad Curaçao