Natural Gas-Free Neighbourhoods Workshop
An energy system that is no longer dependent on fossil fuels requires close collaboration of us all - from states to municipalities. The EU partnership Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) aims to share knowledge and create a strong community around urban transitions. Within the Dutch ‘Natural Gas Free Neighbourhoods’ (PAW) programme, city districts are currently trialing different methods to achieve this transition to a low-carbon energy system.
At the two-day Natural Gas-Free Neighborhoods workshop in Rotterdam in the spring of 2023, you will get the opportunity to have a first-hand look at these projects, share your experiences and become inspired to start your own transition in your local environment! The workshop contains visits to local gas-free pilot projects, key-note speakers and in-depth sessions where you will be able to exchange insights with the people who are leading the transition – both from the Netherlands and other countries in Europe.
So, join us in Rotterdam and see for yourself what there is to learn from the Dutch approach to a natural gas-free energy system with municipal, regional and national actors from all over Europe!
Registration is not open yet. If you want to be informed, please contact us at
Natural Gas-Free Neighbourhoods workshop
Natural Gas-Free Neighbourhoods
Natural Gas-Free Neighbourhoods workshopwendy.vanschie@platform31.nl
Natural Gas-Free Neighbourhoods workshopNatural Gas-Free Neighbourhoods workshop0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced