Mpanzu Bamenga
About the speaker:
- Dutch academic, legal expert, politician
- Human Rights Man of the year 2022
- Founder and Director Human Rights Initiatives
- Coordinator and Co-founder Inclusion Leaders Network (INCLEADERS)
Where would you know him from?
In 2018, Bamenga arrived at the airport in his hometown Eindhoven. He was selected by the Marechaussee (border police) for a passport check, because his appearance matched the risk profile of “Nigerian money smuggler”. Two other black passengers were targeted too.
The Marechaussee told Bamenga that they had the power under Dutch law to stop people, as they were looking for criminals and refugees and checking residents' rights.
Bamenga along with human rights NGOs decided to sue the Dutch state for ethnic profiling.
In 2021, a court in the Hague ruled in favour of the Marechaussee clearing them of ethnic profiling allegations.
In February 2023, the Dutch appeal court overturned the original ruling, which is expected to have EU-wide ramifications.
Interactive lecture with Mpanzu Bamenga
Interactive lecture with Mpanzu
Interactive lecture with Mpanzu Bamengadiversity@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Interactive lecture with Mpanzu BamengaInteractive lecture with Mpanzu Bamenga0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Faculty of Arts and Social SciencesFaculty of Arts and Social SciencesGrote Gracht 90-92 6211 LM Maastricht Netherlands