MHeNs Translational Neuroscience Lecture | 2024


16.00-16.15 Sebastian Köhler | Professor, Department Psychiatry & Neuropsychology.
Lifestyle and the brain - findings from The Maastricht Study.
16.15-16.30 Miranda Schram | Professor Department of Internal Medicine.
Depression and type 2 diabetes - Is there a common ground? findings from The Maastricht Study.
16.30-16.45 Tos Berendschot | Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology.
The eye as a windows to the brain.
16.45-17.00 Q&A  


29 January 2024
Lecture and Q&A: 16:00 hrs. | Online / On-Site
Jo Ritzenzaal: Oxfordlaan 55, Room 0.007
Drinks: 17:00 hrs. Bandito Espresso

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