Bruno Millet-Ilharreguy, doctor of medicine, doctor of neurosciences, and trained in behavioral and cognitive therapies is today a professor of adult psychiatry at the Paris-Sorbonne Faculty of Medicine. He has been working as a doctor at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris since 2015.
After directing the adult psychiatry university department of Rennes (Brittany, France) from 2002 to 2014, since 2015 he has been directing a clinical unit of cerebral neuro-modulation allowing the treatment of many patients by invasive stimulation (high frequency deep brain stimulation) or non-invasive brain stimulation techniques (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation -rTMS-, transcranial electrical stimulation -TCES-). These new neuro-modulation therapies are explored in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), a disease on which he has been researching since 1995. He is co-founder of a start-up (Syneika, France) which provides a system of neuronavigation allowing better targeting of neuroanatomical structures for the use of (rTMS). Currently, he offers rTMS treatment in OCD, affective disorders and more recently in addictions.
Since 2019, he has also coordinated a Clinical Research Infrastructure in Neurosciences (ICRIN "new therapies in psychiatry") granted by the Institut du Cerveau (ICM) in Paris. ICRIN makes it possible to test new technological approaches: digital self-assessment solution by smartphone, mathematical algorithm to predict the response to an antidepressant, technique to block memory reconsolidation in post-traumatic stress disorder.
Among several courses, Bruno Millet Ilharreguy coordinates the Inter-University Diploma in "Psychopharmacology and Therapeutics by Brain Stimulation" at the University of Paris-Sorbonne.
MHeNs lecture B. Millet
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MHeNs lecture B. Milletsecr-mhens@maastrichtuniversity.nl
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