22 September 2022
Registration & coffee/tea
Opening by Patricia Malarkey (DSM Chief Science Officer) and Adriana Carvalho de Souza (NMC Board, DSM)
Ghislain Schyns (DSM Switzerland) DSM’s microbiome development and synbiotics
Frank Xu (DSM USA) DSM’s metabolomics and digital development for microbiome research
Coffee break
Thomas Hankemeier (Leiden University, NL) Metabolomics to study the role of the gut microbiome
Flash presentation Alessio Ciurli (LUMC, NL) “Temporally and spatially resolved biochemical profiling of the oral cavity" followed by Discussion on The potential of metabolomics in microbiome research led by Adriana Carvalho de Souza (DSM, morning Chair) and then lunch break (12.30)
Jonathan Swann (Imperial College London, UK) Characterizing the biomolecular reach of the intestinal microbiota within the holobiont using metabolomics
Henrik Munch Roager (University of Copenhagen, DK) Diet and the gut microbiota: moving beyond composition to activity
Coffee break
Sebastian Tims (Danone Nutricia Research, NL) Early-life fecal microbiome and metabolome dynamics in response to an intervention with infant formula containing specific prebiotics and postbiotics
Discussion on The desired future developments in (metabol)omics to better answer biological questions in microbiome research moderated by Guus Roesselers, (Danone Nutricia, afternoon Chair)
Closing lecture: John Rawls (Duke University of Medicine, USA) Deciphering the chemical language of host-microbe symbiosis in the vertebrate intestine
Metabolomics & the Microbiome Meeting 2022
Netherlands Metabolomics
Netherlands Metabolomics Centrefemke.francissen@metabolomicscentre.nl
Metabolomics & the Microbiome Meeting 2022Metabolomics & the Microbiome Meeting 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
DSMDSMAlexander Fleminglaan 1 2613 AX Delft Delft Netherlands