Ghislain Schyns
I am global principal scientist Microbiome at DSM (located in Basel, CH). I am responsible for the global biotech support on microbiome activities across businesses, which means mainly microbiomes from human gut, human skin and animal gut. As a microbiologist I am interested by the functional (metabolic) output of the microbiome, and how to precisely modulate this output for the benefit of the host. I am co-inventor of the first microbiome metabolic modulator from DSM (now called precision biotic; Symphiome). I am co-leading the DSM Technical platform Microbiome for DSM, where we benchmark, scout and develop future technologies to interfere, edit, study, measure microbiome functions and microbiome interactions with the host.
Metabolomics & the Microbiome Meeting 2022
Netherlands Metabolomics
Netherlands Metabolomics Centrefemke.francissen@metabolomicscentre.nl
Metabolomics & the Microbiome Meeting 2022Metabolomics & the Microbiome Meeting 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
DSMDSMAlexander Fleminglaan 1 2613 AX Delft Delft Netherlands