17 April 2024
Walk in and coffee
Kerstin Lux - Uncertainty Quantification for Climate Tipping Points
Q&A / coffee break
Ivan Kryven - Branching process representation of evolutionary PDEs
Q&A and lunch
Lisa Kusch - A loss-based formulation for multi-objective optimization under uncertainties
Q&A / tea break
Laura Scarabosio - A seamless integration of models and date to predict and understand tumor cell dynamics
Q&A and drinks
The Q&A sessions are meant for PhD students to have the opportunity to interact with the speaker without any other senior mathematicians present, who will have their coffee break outside the room.
Leiden/VU/Delft-seminar 17 April 2024

Leiden/VU/Delft-seminar 17 April
Leiden/VU/Delft-seminar 17 April 2024d.w.m.engering@tudelft.nl
Leiden/VU/Delft-seminar 17 April 2024Leiden/VU/Delft-seminar 17 April 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Leiden University, Huygens building, room 2.26Leiden University, Huygens building, room 2.26Niels Bohrweg 2 2333CA Leiden Netherlands