ELIXIR Toxicology Community Workshop

FAIRification of Toxicological Research Output:  Leveraging ELIXIR Resources  



 Marvin Martens (NL), Penny Nymark (SE), Iseult Lynch (UK) 

This workshop is a face-to-face, free-of-charge hands-on workshop, organised in the context of the first implementation study (INTOXICOM) of the ELIXIR Toxicology Community.  See the ELIXIR Toxicology Community Whitepaper for more in-depth information about the community's goals.

Featuring keynote lectures from Iseult Lynch (University of Birmingham) and Clemens Wittwehr (European Commission - Joint Research Centre), the workshop will facilitate discussions on current data challenges faced by project consortia. Attendees will also participate in two hands-on sessions on creating community standards for applying compact IDs, and FAIRification of Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs).



Toxicologists interested in using FAIR data resources for their research or making their data FAIR, as well as data managers and researchers working with AOPs.



Day 1: Tuesday 28.05. from 11h to  18h & subsequent social dinner   

Day 2: Wednesday 29.05. from 9h to 15h



Stichting Health-RI , Beatrixgebouw Jaarbeurs, 5e etage, HI-FIVE, Jaarbeursplein 6, Utrecht, The Netherlands (only a 5 mins walk from Utrecht Central Station!)



Please register HERE



May 28th - Chaired by Iseult Lynch and Marvin Martens

11.00 - 11.25 Opening, introduction to ELIXIR and the ELIXIR Toxicology Community
11.25 - 11.40 Tour de table
11.40 - 12.00 Keynote Iseult Lynch: Data FAIRification in PARC 
12.00 - 12.30 Introduction to identified data challenges in toxicology project consortia
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch
13.30 - 14.00 Discussion: data challenges in toxicology project consortia
14.00 - 14.30 Introduction to hands-on session data FAIRification
14.30 - 16.10 Hands-on session 1: writing FAIRification recipes on identified data challenges
16.10 - 16.30 Break
16.30 - 17.00 Keynote Clemens Wittwehr: Why Adverse Outcome Pathways Need to be FAIR
17.00 - 17.30 Discussion: AOP FAIRification challenges
19.00 -  Workshop social dinner

May 29th - Chaired by Penny Nymark and Marvin Martens

9.00 - 9.15 Summary of day 1 and intro to day 2
9.15 - 10.15 ELIXIR Data Platform discussion: introducing toxicology databases into ELIXIR
10.15 - 10.45 FAIRsharing Toxicology Collection introduction
10.45 - 11.00 Break
11.00 - 11.30 Introduction to FAIR Implementation Profiles (Iseult Lynch)
11.30 - 12.00 Discussion: universal aspects of FAIR data and introduction to the hands-on session
12.00 - 13.00 Lunch
13.00 - 14.30 Hands-on session 2: FAIR Implementation Profile development
14.30 - 15.00 Reporting back from hands-on session, future plans, and closing



In preparation for the workshop, watching the introductory webinar “Empowering Toxicology Research - Leveraging ELIXIR Data Solutions” is highly recommended, where the ELIXIR Data and Interoperability platforms were introduced to the toxicology community and current data challenges were identified. 


Find here more information about the ELIXIR Toxicology Community


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