Summary of Workshop 1
FAIRification of Toxicological Research Output: Leveraging ELIXIR Resources
The video of the preparatory webinar Empowering Toxicology Research - Leveraging ELIXIR Data Solutions is also available on Youtube and on the ELIXIR Webinar page.
Webinar Slides are available here: Webinar WP1.
This webinar will provide insights into how two of the ELIXIR platforms (Data and Interoperability) can change toxicological data management, tackling challenges faced by toxicology research consortia like 'Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals' (PARC), the 'Animal-free Safety assessment of chemicals: Project cluster for Implementation of novel Strategies' (ASPIS) and 'NanoSafety Cluster' (NSC).
Link to the BioHackrXiv Preprint of WS-1:
Groups photo
From left to right:
Ulrike Wittig (Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies), Marvin Martens (Maastricht University), Dominik Martinát (Palacky University in Olomouc, Faculty of Science, Department of Physical Chemistry), Fred van de Brug (TNO), Lucy Sinke (LACDR, Leiden University),
Jente Houweling (RIVM-UM), Penny Nymark (Karolinska Institute), Egon Willighagen (Maastricht University), Tamara Danilyuk (Leiden University), Clemens Wittwehr (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC)), Thomas Exner (Seven Past Nine GmbH), Javier Millán Acosta (Maastricht University), Ozan Cinar (Maastricht University), Riju Roy Chowdhury (IUF), Uday Killi (University of Eastern Finland), Tooba Abbassi-Daloii (Maastricht University), Meike Bünger (Health-RI),
Iseult Lynch (University of Birmingham)-ONLINE
Allyson Lister (FAIRsharing, University of Oxford), Gerhard Burger (LACDR, Leiden University), Rob Stierum (TNO) were attending but not present when the picture was taken.
Meike Bünger,
Meike Bünger, Health-RImeike.bunger@health-ri.nl
To be announcedTo be announced