Pro2Tech Industry Cluster Day
Dear all,
On behalf of the TU Delft Pro2Tech institute, we invite you to participate in our Industry Day on May 20th (Art Centre Delft).
In the Pro2Tech institute, TU Delft process and product researchers are joining forces to tackle major industrial and societal challenges. We invite you personally to participate in a focused brainstorming session(s) on this Industry Day, where we aim to discuss challenges in your industry and the opportunities we foresee based on our research. We intend to improve alignment between the industrial needs and the technology we aim to develop.
Each of the brainstorm(s) will be between approximately 5 to 10 key industrial stakeholders and approximately 5 to 10 key TU Delft experts.
We hope you can participate. If you are not available, we hope you can suggest a colleague who can replace you. Could you please let us know if you can participate and if you prefer to participate online in person? Of course, as in any good brainstorm, we hope you can participate in person.
Please register before May 2 via:
The details of the day and agenda will follow shortly.
Best regards and many thanks,
On behalf of Pro2Tech and our researchers,
Johan Padding and John Nijenhuis
Pro2Tech Industry Day - May 20
Pro2Tech Industry Day - May
Pro2Tech Industry Day - May 20Pro2Tech@tudelft.nl
Pro2Tech Industry Day - May 20Pro2Tech Industry Day - May 200.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced