Saturday, 27 May 2023
Follow this link for photos of all house museums in the tour program!
Day 6 - Start of Post-Conference Field Trip
Travel by bus from Brno to Vienna
CHECK-IN at 25hours Hotel
House Tours in Vienna:
- Werkbund Housing Estate Vienna, Vienna 1932
In the early ’30s, the proponents of the Garden City movement realized, under the leadership of Josef Frank, a model settlement of modernity: the Vienna Werkbundsiedlung. Josef Frank invited internationally renowned architects such as Gerrit Rietveld, Richard Neutra, Adolf Loos, Josef Hoffmann or Margarethe Schütte Lihotzky to design their vision of the 'new living'. 70 fully furnished houses were built and visited by 100.000 people during the 'largest construction exhibition in Europe' in 1932. The Werkbundsiedlung it is currently being restored piece by piece. >> more info
- visit of one of the four three-storey Gerrit Rietveld designed row houses (1931) with Architect Prof. Mag. arch Silja Tillner, Principal at Tillner & Willinger Architekten who is the current owner of the house and restored it.
- visit Haus Loos with Arch. DI Azita Goodarzi, Principal at Praschl-Goodarzi Architekten (TBC)
- and a visit of a yet to be restored house designed by Joseph Hoffmann.
- Villa Beer, Josef Frank, Vienna, Austria, 1931
- Villa Rezek, Hans Glas, Vienna, Austria, 1933, with a presentation about its restoration by Architekt Dipl. Ing. Maximilian Eisenköck.
- Margarete Schütte-Lihotsky’s former Apartment, Vienna, Austria, 1970
Dinner by individual arrangement
ICONIC HOUSES FOUNDATION • Pieterskerkhof 8 • 3512 JR, Utrecht • The Netherlands
Mobile phone +31 622 690711 • office hours CET • •
7th International Iconic Houses Conference
Natascha Drabbeinfo@iconichouses.org
7th International Iconic Houses Conference7th International Iconic Houses Conference0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
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