Monday, 22 May 2023
Follow this link for photos of all house museums in the tour program!
Day 1 - Icons of Czech Avantgarde: Authenticity & Style Diversity
8:30am CHECK-IN National Library of Technology, Balling Hall
9:00am Welcome by Natascha Drabbe, Co-Chair IHC2023
Executive Director & Founder Iconic Houses Network
9:10am Welcome by Maria Szadkowska, Co-Chair IHC2023
Curator Villa Müller and Head of CPMA, Prague City Museum
9:15am Welcome by Iveta Černá, Co-Chair IHC2023
Head of Villa Tugendhat, Brno City Museum
9:20am Moderator Petr Klíma introduces keynote speaker
9:30am Keynote Address: Professor Ing. arch. Vladimír Šlapeta DrSc., Hon. FAIA
Lecture Outline - Family Houses for the Middle Class: One of the Crucial Tasks of Czech Functionalist Architecture
In his keynote address professor Šlapeta will outline the context in which the vernacular and innovative modernist residential architecture of the Czech Republic arose in the 20th century. Czech modern architecture, from the turn of 19th and 20th century led by Jan Kotěra, Wagner´s student, quickly moved towards its own autonomous expression, reflecting both the domestic historic traditions and simultaneously the world architectural tendencies. This resulted, shortly before the First World War, under the supervision of Josef Gočár and Pavel Janák, into Czech Cubism which immediately attracted international attention. After the foundation of Czechoslovakia in 1918, Cubism was followed by poetism and purism of the incoming generation which, in the interwar era, culminated in an extensive production of the functionalism era, representing a broad palette of stylistic nuances from rationalism, science-founded concepts, through the reflections of Le Corbusier, Bauhaus and the Dutch Modernism, to the aerodynamic and organic tendency. The “driving force” of this phenomenon was the clientele from the higher middle class. Their houses, summer residences, and weekend homes are, to this day, a symbol of this great epoch of our modern history. These houses, although less known in the international context, are also a remarkable pendant to Villa Tugendhat and Villa Müller.
About Prof. Vladimír Šlapeta
Vladimír Šlapeta is Professor at Brno University of Technology and the Czech Technical University in Prague. Born and grown in Olomouc, he studied architecture at the Czech Technical University in Prague. After a short practice in architectural office in Ostrava, he worked from 1973-91 as head of architecture department of the National Museum of Technology in Prague. After the Velvet Revolution he became Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague (1991-97 and 2003-06) and then of the Faculty of Architecture of the Brno University of Technology (2006-10) and was a visiting professor at TU Tallinn, MSA Münster, University of Ljubljana, UFGRS in Porto Alegre and TU Krakow.
10:10am Q&A
10:15am BREAK
10:45am Iconic Shorts (8 Czech Modern House Museums, presented in 6:40’ presentations)
- Jurkovič House: Rostislav Koryčánek, former Curator Jurkovič House and Jurkovič expert
- Villa Čerych: Ladislav Jackson, Art and Architectural Historian.
- Villa Müller: Maria Szadkowska, Curator and Head of CPMA, The Prague City Museum
- Adolf Loos Apartment & Gallery: Vladimír Lekeš, Director
- Villa Rothmayer: Petr Krajči, Architect and Curator
- Museum of Tower Blocks in Kladno: Roman Hájek, Curator
- One-family house: Eduard Stehlík, Director Lidice Gallery
- Le Bateau Ivre in Saint-Marcellin, architect Louis Babinet with a large ceramic fresco by Vera Székély, France: Adam Štěch, independent art theoretician, writer and curator
12:15pm Board buses to tour house museums
12:30pm Buses depart
Boxed lunches served on bus
Afternoon House Tours 12:30-6:30pm
- One Family House, František Marek, Václav Hilský, Richard Podzemný and Antonín Tenzer, Lidice, early 1950s
- Museum of Tower Blocks in Kladno, Josef Havlíček, Kladno, 1956
- Villa Müller, Adolf Loos, Prague, 1930
- Villa Rothmayer, Otto Rothmayer, Prague, 1929
6:30pm Opening Reception at the Mayor's Residence
- Shuttle service to the hotel
Dinner by individual arrangement
ICONIC HOUSES FOUNDATION • Pieterskerkhof 8 • 3512 JR, Utrecht • The Netherlands
Mobile phone +31 622 690711 • office hours CET • •
7th International Iconic Houses Conference
Natascha Drabbeinfo@iconichouses.org
7th International Iconic Houses Conference7th International Iconic Houses Conference0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced