Registration fee
The registration fee for the 27th IEEE Photonics Benelux Symposium is as follows:
Payment completed | Before November 3rd , 2023 | After November 3rd, 2023 | On site- online payment only |
Non-IEEE members | €150 | €160 | €170 |
IEEE Members, PhD students | €95 | €105 | €115 |
Undergraduate students | €50 | €60 | €70 |
The conference fee includes: proceedings, access to the scientific programme, coffee/tea/beverages during coffee breaks, walking dinner on Thursday and walking lunch on Friday
Payment of the Registration Fee
The registration fee can be paid online. Once you submitted your registration form you will automatically be directed to the online payment tool (Ideal/Mastercard/Visa/American Express/PayPal).
The registration fee cannot be paid by bank transfer or cash
Payment confirmation
Payment confirmation and invoices will be sent by email after a successful payment.
IEEE Photonics Benelux Annual Symposium 2023
IEEE Photonics Benelux Annual Symposium
IEEE Photonics Benelux Annual Symposium 2023geert.morthier@ugent.be
IEEE Photonics Benelux Annual Symposium 2023IEEE Photonics Benelux Annual Symposium 20230.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Oude Abdij DrongenOude Abdij DrongenDrongenplein 27 9031 Gent Belgium