Travelling by train from Schiphol to Delft
Please note that there are currently no direct trains from Schiphol to Delft due to an earlier accident. Instead, it is probably best to take the high speed train (Intercity Direct) from Schiphol directly to Rotterdam and from there to take a train to Delft. With a valid train ticket to Delft, you can board any train from Rotterdam to Delft. Note however, that you need to pay a supplement for the high speed train from Schiphol to Rotterdam. Tickets and the supplement can be bought at Schiphol from the NS train ticket machines. Actual train times can be found at
Travelling by public transport in the Netherlands
The Netherlands has a quite good public transport network. To plan trips and buy e-tickets you can use this website:
If you wish you can also download the 9292 app on your phone; just search for 9292 in the app store.
You can also use public transport to travel from your hotel to the conference location. For the conference location use ‘Mekelweg 8 Delft’
fPET2023 will take place in building X (Mekelweg 8, 2628 CD Delft), on the TU Delft campus. The venue is easily reachable by bus from the train station Delft. You can take bus 40 (in the direction of Rotterdam Centraal), 69 (in the direction of TU Campus) or 174 (in the direction of Rotterdam Noord) to bus stop ‘Berlageweg’. In the morning of Wednesday 19th, you can for example take:
- Bus 40 at 08:18,
- Bus 174 at 08:23
- Bus 69 at 08:30
- Bus 40 at 08:38
- Bus 69 at 08:45
The dinner on Thursday evening is the only part of the conference that is not in building X. It will instead be at Firma van Buiten (Thijsseweg 1, 2629 JA Delft). You can walk (10-15 min) or take a taxi to the restaurant.
After the dinner on Thursday, we will have coaches that bring you back to Delft railway station in the center of Delft.
On Friday, there is room in X to leave your luggage if you checked out at your hotel that morning.
When leaving X on Friday, you can take bus 40, 69, or 174, all in the direction of the station. They leave every 5/10 minutes.
2023 Forum on Philosophy, Engineering, and Technology (fPET 2023)
Value Change research
Value Change research projectfpet2023@valuechange.eu
2023 Forum on Philosophy, Engineering, and Technology (fPET 2023)2023 Forum on Philosophy, Engineering, and Technology (fPET 2023)0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
X TU DelftX TU DelftMekelweg 8 2628 CD Delft Netherlands