Keynote speakers
Samanta KleinbergAssociate Professor in Computer Science, Stevens Institute of Technology Samanta Kleinberg is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science department at Stevens Institute of Technology. After completing her PhD in Computer Science in 2010 at NYU, she spent two years as a postdoctoral Computing Innovation Fellow at Columbia University, in the Department of Biomedical Informatics. Before that she was an undergraduate at NYU in Computer Science and Physics, and she more recently spent a year on sabbatical in the psychology department of University College London. She has written an academic book, Causality, Probability, and Time, and another for a wider audience, Why: A Guide To Finding and Using Causes. She is the editor of Time and Causality Across the Sciences. |
Guru MadhavanNorman R. Augustine Senior Scholar & Senior Director of Programs, US National Academy of Engineering Guru Madhavan is the Norman R. Augustine Senior Scholar and senior director of programs at the U.S. National Academy of Engineering. He has served as a vice-president of IEEE-USA and was a founding member of the Global Young Academy. His publications include the co-edited volume “Engineering and Philosophy” (Springer), the co-authored book "Making Better Choices: Design, Decisions, and Democracy" (Oxford), and the widely translated nonfiction "Applied Minds: How Engineers Think" (W.W. Norton). For his writings and lectures, he has received the IEEE-USA Award for Distinguished Literary Contributions Furthering Public Understanding and the Advancement of the Engineering Profession, the IEEE-USA George F. McClure Citation of Honor, and the IEEE Alfred N. Goldsmith Award for Outstanding Achievement in Engineering Communication. |
Sarah SpiekermannProfessor of Business Informatics, Vienna University of Economics and Business Since 2009 Sarah Spiekermann is chairing the Institute for Information Systems & Society at Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna). She is a well-regarded scientist, author, speaker and advisor on digital ethics. She published several books in the domain, including “Value-based Engineering – a guide to build ethical technology for humanity” (DeGruyter, 2023), “Digital Ethics – A Value System for the 21st Century” (Droemer, 2019) and “Ethical IT Innovation: A Value-based System Design Approach” (Taylor & Francis, 2015), as well as articles in journals such as “Communications of the ACM”, “IEEE Transactions” or “Science, Technology and Values”, etc.. In 2016 Sarah co-founded the “Sustainability Computing Lab”. In the same year she also started vice-chairing IEEE’s “P7000” project leading to the first model process for ethical system design (or what is called “VBE – Value-based Engineering”) in 2022, ISO/IEC/IEEE 24 748-7000. |
2023 Forum on Philosophy, Engineering, and Technology (fPET 2023)
Value Change research
Value Change research projectfpet2023@valuechange.eu
2023 Forum on Philosophy, Engineering, and Technology (fPET 2023)2023 Forum on Philosophy, Engineering, and Technology (fPET 2023)0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
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