Ook dit jaar weer drie inspirerende keynotes. Alle drie zijn fysiek aanwezig op het festival in Amsterdam! Tijdens de keynotes is er ruimte voor vragen en interactie met de sprekers.
Alle keynotes worden opgenomen en na afloop van het festival gepubliceerd op onze website.
Martijn Leenknecht
Leren van toetsen in het hoger onderwijs: inzichten, vragen en ontwikkelrichtingen na 10 jaar platform
Toen Platform Leren van toetsen 10 jaar geleden begon, was de aandacht voor het civiele effect van toetsen (de beslisfunctie) dominant binnen het Nederlandse hoger onderwijs. Met onze oprichting en de activiteiten die we organiseerden, wilden wij aandacht vragen voor de leerfunctie van toetsen. We wilden weg van leren voor toetsen en zorgen dat iedere student zou leren van toetsen. Een boodschap die ondertussen veel meer gehoor vindt en we zien dan ook dat we binnen het Nederlandse hoger onderwijs mooie stappen hebben gezet. Iedereen kent ondertussen wel formatief en programmatisch toetsen en er is ook veel aandacht voor feedbackgeletterdheid. In deze keynote schets Martijn Leenknecht (oprichter en coördinator van Platform Leren van toetsen) de ontwikkelingen van de afgelopen tien jaar aan de hand van de opbrengsten en thema’s van Platform Leren van toetsen. Welke inzichten kunnen we daaruit halen? Welke vragen blijven nog onbeantwoord? En welke ontwikkelkansen liggen nog open voor de (nabije) toekomst?
Dr. Martijn Leenknecht werkt als onderzoeker en beleidsadviseur bij HZ University of Applied Sciences. Hij is trekker van de instellingsbrede onderwijsvisie en het HZ-toetsbeleid. Hij is oprichter en coördinator van Platform Leren van toetsen. In zijn onderzoek richt hij zich op het activeren van studenten in hun eigen leerproces en feedbackprocessen. Daarbij richt hij zich specifiek op het ontwerpen van leeromgevingen en de rol van docenten. Hij is met name geïnteresseerd in de invloed van de (leer)omgeving op het studeergedrag van studenten. In zijn recente reviewstudie in samenwerking met prof. dr. David Carless, beschreef hij wat we weten uit onderzoek naar feedbackzoekend gedrag van studenten in het hoger onderwijs.
Keynote | 75 minuten | 10:15- 11:30u | NL | Loods 7
Karen Gravett
Relational feedback encounters in higher education
Research on feedback and on feedback literacies is currently flourishing in higher education studies, as scholars seek to address the durable and dissatisfying dilemmas that feedback processes represent. To date, however, higher education scholarship has been dominated by cognitive and humanist conceptions, with the focus primarily placed upon how teachers and students might become more feedback literate. In this seminar, I explore what it might mean to understand feedback literacies as unbounded, relational encounters: emergent and affective moments that happen as people and things come together. I engage theoretical approaches, for example posthumanism, affect theory and sociomaterial concepts, to think about relational pedagogies: relationships and relational connections in learning and teaching in higher education. I explore how thinking with theory offers us different starting points for understanding feedback practices in higher education that positions the teacher or student as entangled within a web of relations, that includes nonhuman others, spaces and things. I suggest that thinking in new ways about relationality and connection enables us to ask different questions about feedback and engagement, and to notice our students, institutions and practices anew. The seminar will draw upon my recent research into feedback, teaching and learning practices, as well as my own current practice. It will also draw upon and examine the richness of research in education done in partnership with students. Given that research helps to construct the ways in which we see the world, and the ways in which we think about students and their engagement, I will suggest that critical approaches to thinking about learning and literacy practices are essential if we are to understand a diversity of students’ experiences, and to support students effectively.
Dr. Karen Gravett is Associate Professor and Associate Head (Research) at the Surrey Institute of Education at the University of Surrey, UK, where her research focuses on the theory-practice of higher education, and explores the areas of student engagement and relational pedagogies. She is Director of the Language, Literacies and Learning research group, a member of the SRHE Governing Council, and a member of the editorial board for Teaching in Higher Education, and Learning, Media and Technology. She is also a a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA) and an Honorary Associate Professor for the Centre for Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE) at Deakin University. Karen’s work has been funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, the Society for Research in Higher Education, the Association for Learning Development in Higher Education, the British Association for Applied Linguistics, and the Arts and Humanities Research Council. Her latest books are: Gravett, K. (2023) Relational Pedagogies: Connections and Mattering in Higher Education, and Kinchin, I. M. and Gravett, K. (2022) Dominant Discourses in Higher Education.
Keynote | 75 minuten | 13:45- 15:00u | EN | Loods 7
Juuso Nieminen
How assessment shapes student identities: the good and bad news
What does assessment have to do with student identities? Typically, assessment is understood as an ideally objective measurement of student learning outcomes. It is seen as unfair if assessment is influenced by students’ identities or personalities. Yet, unlike many other measurements, educational assessment changes its target, the students, often in unintended ways. Throughout their educational careers, students are continuously and increasingly assessed, graded and evaluated. These assessment situations leave traces on students’ understanding of themselves as learners and future professionals. This presentation unpacks how assessment shapes student identities and outlines future trajectories for assessment design principles that better consider the aspect of student identity formation. I will first argue that at the present, assessment suppresses rather than celebrates students’ diverse identities that they bring to assessment situations. This is very much a matter of equity and inclusion. I will then suggest that if (higher) education aims to educate diverse professionals to operate in an increasingly complex world, assessment must support students in demonstrating their unique and complex abilities and identities.
If you would like to read up on Nieminen's views on the subject before his keynote, we suggest his blogpost 'Students as Moving Targets: How Assessment Shapes Student Identities'.
Dr. Juuso Henrik Nieminen is an Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong and a Banting Fellow at Ontario Tech University, Canada. He is also an Adjunct Professor (Docent) at the University of Eastern Finland and an Honorary Fellow at the Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE), Deakin University, Australia. His research concerns how assessment takes shape and shapes people in our societies. He is particularly interested in the student perspective in the matters of assessment. Recently, his research has focused on student identity formation in assessment. He has also studied assessment from the viewpoints of inclusion, equity and diversity.
Keynote | 75 minuten | 15:30- 16:45u | EN | Loods 7
Festival Leren van toetsen 2024
Registratiewebsite voor Festival Leren van toetsen 2024Festival Leren van toetsen
Festival Leren van toetsen 2024info@lerenvantoetsen.nl
Festival Leren van toetsen 2024Festival Leren van toetsen 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
UP EventsUP EventsTom Schreursweg 8 1067MC Amsterdam Nederland