Workshop 8 - OSRAM - GREEN CROSS
Early career scientists generate most of the data, but have almost none of the experience with FAIRification of their research data. PI’s often lack up-to-date insight into possibilities to improve data handling, and rather choose for ‘quick and dirty’ local solutions, while the emerging role of DCCs is largely unknown to PhD candidates. This is your chance to brainstorm on solutions with early career scientists of multiple disciplines. They provide their perspective on the challenges they experience, and would like to explore with representatives from graduate schools and DCCs what can be done to improve data stewardship and FAIR implementation.
FAIR Data Day- 29 November 2022
FAIR Data Day- 29 November
FAIR Data Day- 29 November 2022petra.aarnoutse@health-ri.nl
FAIR Data Day- 29 November 2022FAIR Data Day- 29 November 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Engels Conference CenterEngels Conference CenterStationsplein 45 3013 AK Rotterdam Netherlands