Workshop 6 - BEAM - WHITE
Harmonising Access Procedures for Sensitive Data.
Wim Hugo (DANS), Ricarda Braukmann (DANS) & Jorik van Kemenade (SURF).
Open Access datasets typically come with creative commons licenses that specify under which conditions a dataset can be re-used. For sensitive data where access is only possible under strict conditions, licenses and access procedures are much less standardised. In this workshop, we want to discuss how existing procedures can be harmonised. We will present a set of machine-readable licenses developed in the context of ODISSEI which are designed to specify additional conditions that often apply to sensitive datasets. These conditions for instance include the verification of the user, their intent, and requirements around the use of secure analysis environments.
Wim Hugo
Wim Hugo is the Chief Technology Officer for Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS). In this role, he coordinates the technical infrastructure developments of DANS which is a leading expertise centre in the field of research data management in addition to providing repository services to several scientific disciplines.
Ricarda Braukmann
Ricarda Braukmann works as data station manager social sciences at DANS. In this role, she is involved in several (inter)national projects including ODISSEI with a focus on FAIR data support, engagement, and training.
Jorik van Kemenade works as an advisor at SURF. In this role, he supports researchers to manage, preserve, and share their data. He is also involved in several (inter)national projects, including ODISSEI, that focus on creating and developing RDM tools and infrastructure.
FAIR Data Day- 29 November 2022
FAIR Data Day- 29 November
FAIR Data Day- 29 November 2022petra.aarnoutse@health-ri.nl
FAIR Data Day- 29 November 2022FAIR Data Day- 29 November 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Engels Conference CenterEngels Conference CenterStationsplein 45 3013 AK Rotterdam Netherlands