Workshop 5 - SPARK - BLUE
As the Coordinator of Data Management at WUR, Shauna is involved in defining WUR’s ambitions with FAIR data and translating these ambitions into policies, infrastructure and support services. She works from the Wageningen Data Competence Center and the Library. Prior to WUR, she spent several years in hydrographic consultancy and the sailing through the wonderful world of marine geochemistry.
FAIR Data Day- 29 November 2022
FAIR Data Day- 29 November
FAIR Data Day- 29 November 2022petra.aarnoutse@health-ri.nl
FAIR Data Day- 29 November 2022FAIR Data Day- 29 November 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Engels Conference CenterEngels Conference CenterStationsplein 45 3013 AK Rotterdam Netherlands