Workshop 4 - GLOW - ORANGE
Cees Hof has a background in aquatic ecology and evolutionary biology. His PhD (1998) and postdoctoral research focused on the impact of fossil information in phylogenetic reconstructions. After the days of fundamental research, he specialized in the standardization and use of (open) biodiversity data and for more than 10 years he was involved in the development of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). Since 2016 Cees works at Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) where he started as a project acquisition officer and trainer on Research Data Management. Currently the main focus of his work is the establishment of the new domain specific DANS Data Stations, where he acts as the primary coordinator and contact for the life, environmental and technical sciences.
FAIR Data Day- 29 November 2022
FAIR Data Day- 29 November
FAIR Data Day- 29 November 2022petra.aarnoutse@health-ri.nl
FAIR Data Day- 29 November 2022FAIR Data Day- 29 November 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Engels Conference CenterEngels Conference CenterStationsplein 45 3013 AK Rotterdam Netherlands