Workshop 3 - SOLAR - YELLOW
How-to create and publish FAIR research datasets directly from your research environment.
Serkan Girgin (University of Twente), Manuel Garcia Alvarez (TU Delft), Jose Urra Llanusa (TU Delft) & Kees den Heijer (4TU.ResearchData).
The FAIR principles require research data to be published with complete metadata and ideally shared at different key milestones during the research. However, currently this requires creation of dataset records and uploading of large data files to data repositories manually, which is time consuming. In this workshop, we will present and demonstrate open-source faily Python package and JupiterFAIR JupyterLab extension we developed, which allow to easily create and quickly publish research datasets to popular research data repositories, such as Zenodo, figshare, and 4TU.ResearchData. At the end of the workshop the participants will be able to perform these tasks with ease.
Serkan Girgin
University of Twente
Dr. Serkan Girgin (University of Twente, Faculty ITC) is a Senior Researcher and Head of Center of Expertise in Big Geodata Science (CRIB). He is a laureate of the Dutch national SURF Research Support Champion award, and a Fellow of the Netherlands eScience Center. He is also a member of the Open Science Community Twente.
Manuel Garcia Alvarez
TU Delft
Manuel Garcia Alvarez (TU Delft DCC, Research Software Engineer) is an expert on web and back-end development, geoinformatics, computer vision, and smart cities.
Jose Urra Llanusa (TU Delft DCC, Research Software Engineer) is an expert on software design, software frontend development, user Interface design, open-source CI/CD, and JavaScript.
Dr. Kees den Heijer (TU Delft, 4TU.ResearchData) is a Senior Researcher and Technical Lead of 4TU.ResearchData. He is also one of the key developers of open-source Djehuty research data repository software.
FAIR Data Day- 29 November 2022
FAIR Data Day- 29 November
FAIR Data Day- 29 November 2022petra.aarnoutse@health-ri.nl
FAIR Data Day- 29 November 2022FAIR Data Day- 29 November 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Engels Conference CenterEngels Conference CenterStationsplein 45 3013 AK Rotterdam Netherlands