Angeline Swinkels |Photographer
EuroTech Partner Days 2023
The EuroTech Universities Alliance has the pleasure of inviting you to take part in our third Partner Days Event on Sunday 24 (evening) and Monday 25 September, 2023 - just before the EAIE Conference in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
We are delighted to welcome you @ TU/e, in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
EuroTech is an alliance of 6 strong technical universities: DTU, Ecole Polytechnique, EPFL, TU/e, Technion and TUM who work closely on as many joint activities as possible.
We have also joined forces to offer our partner universities one unique annual partners’ event in Europe; including the following features:
more videos will follow
EuroTech Partner Days 2023
EuroTech Partner Days
EuroTech Partner Days 2023noreply@mailing.tue.nl
EuroTech Partner Days 2023EuroTech Partner Days 20230.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced