Daniel Anthony is Professor of Experimental Neuropathology at the University of Oxford. He won a Glaxo-sponsored PhD scholarship in 1990 to work on Matrix Metalloproteinase in inflammatory disease. On completion of this work, Daniel joined Professor Hugh Perry, then in Oxford, on a British Biotech Fellowship investigating metalloproteinase expression in the CNS. It was during this period that he became interested in the immune-mediated mechanisms of neurodegeneration. In 1998 he moved to a faculty position at the University of Southampton, where he was Assistant Professor in Neurobiology before returning to Oxford in 2004 as Associate Professor. He was made a Full Professor at the University of Oxford in 2014. Professor Anthony is also a Fellow of Somerville College and was College Dean from 2011-2013. The focus of the work of his laboratory is to identify how inflammation contributes to the outcome of acute and chronic brain injury or disease and to develop strategies to preserve neuronal function and encourage regeneration. His work provided the first evidence that the systemic inflammatory response after acute or chronic injury in the brain is responsible for controlling the magnitude of the CNS inflammatory response and the associated sickness behaviors, and that the manipulation of hepatic cytokine production by diet or therapy can be used to improve functional outcomes after CNS injury. He is also particularly interested in how CNS disease modifies the metabolome of the brain and in peripheral tissues and was the first to show that metabolomics could be used to diagnose and stage multiple sclerosis and detect cancer in individuals with non-specific signs. Professor Anthony has authored over 240 research articles that have been cited over 10,000 times.
(ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1380-6655)
EURON PhD Days Maastricht
EURON PhD Days Maastrichtsecr.euron@maastrichtuniversity.nl
EURON PhD Days Maastrichtsecr.euron@maastrichtuniversity.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/euronphddays2023
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