Natalia Kononenko is Professor of Cellular and Molecular Physiology at the University of Cologne. She received her PhD in physiology from the Russian Academy of Sciences and trained as a neuroanatomist and cell biologist at Free University Berlin, Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, and Charité Berlin. In Cologne, she leads a research laboratory that investigates the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which autophagy and endocytosis contribute to neuronal physiology and prevent neurodegeneration. The goal of her research is to provide the basis for identifying new molecular targets for therapies that could cure neurodegenerative diseases.
Survival-(in)dependent functions of neuronal autophagy
EURON PhD Days Maastricht
Registration website for EURON PhD Days MaastrichtEURON PhD Days
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Maastricht UniversityMaastricht UniversityTongersestraat 53 6211LM Maastricht Netherlands