Flash talks
4 Blocks of 3 talks (5 min each) with room for some questions after each talk
13:10-13:40 UMCG/RUG (Groningen)
Stella Druiven - Exploring the use of actigraphy in the treatment of depression with chronotherapy
Esdras Raposo de Almeida - Anticipating a suicide attempt using daily diary data
Marie Stadel - Combining ESM and social networks: Insight into someone's social life
13:40-14:10 TU (Tilburg)
Manuel Rein - Assessing Well-being in Everyday Life: An Example of Scale Development for Ecological Momentary Assessment
Dominique Maciejewski - How do people decide how they feel? Response processes in Experience Sampling Method studies
Eeske van Roekel - Project RISE (incReasIng poSitive Emotions): a pilot study on a Just-in-Time Adaptive Intervention (JITAI) for improving positive emotions
14:10-14:40 KUL (Leuven)
Leonie Cloos - Measuring Affect Changes with Intensity Profile Drawings
Jordan Revol - Preprocessing ESM data: a step-by-step framework, reporting templates, tutorials, and R code website
Glenn Kiekens - The short-term assessment of non-suicidal self-injury among individuals seeking treatment
14:40-15:10 UMCM/OU/GGZ-Eindhoven (Maastricht/Heerlen/Eindhoven)
Fleur Domensino - Real-life cognition after acquired brain injury: An experience sampling method study
Mira Duif - Investigating associations between contextual, emotional and behavioral aspects in daily life
Janne Bosma - What's BOThering you: a network-based, personalized chatbot to improve student well-being
ESM meeting
ESM meetingpaog@umcg.nl
ESM meetingpaog@umcg.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/esmmeeting2023/subscribe
ESM meetingESM meeting0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced