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New: How protects your data with EDR

Written by | Jul 16, 2024 9:48:51 AM

At, we are constantly innovating and improving, especially in the field of data security. Recently, we've taken a significant step to better protect your data and that of your participants: we have implemented EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response). But what is EDR, why is it important, and how can it support you as an event professional?

What is EDR?

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is an advanced security system that continuously scans everything on our servers and provides real-time monitoring. This means we are immediately aware of unusual activities and can quickly respond to potential threats.

Why is EDR important?

Without EDR, it can take a long time to detect a hacker. Traditional security systems are often reactive and only detect threats after damage has occurred. With EDR, our response time is less than a day. This means we can detect and address suspicious activities much faster.

What does this mean for you?

The quick response times of EDR mean that potential threats are neutralised faster. This saves time and resources that would otherwise be spent resolving security incidents.