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7 Reasons to Make Your Next Event Hybrid!

After two years primarily filled with online events, we are thrilled to finally meet each other in person again. And by that, we mean at a physical event. However, the industry has undergone a significant professionalization. Not only in online events but also in the organization of hybrid events. In this article, we delve specifically into the opportunities hybrid events offer for event organizers and have outlined the key benefits for you.

But first: What is a hybrid event?

A hybrid event is the combination of an online and offline event in one. On one hand, you have a physical event location with, for example, speakers, guests, various sessions, and – presumably – delicious snacks and drinks. On the other hand, you have an online audience who, through an online event platform and live streaming, also attends and experiences the event from home.

Organizing an online event involves entirely different considerations compared to an offline event. Both have their pros and cons. A hybrid event leverages the strengths of both, resulting in the following major benefits

You organize your online or hybrid event with Event Platform

Organize Your Online or Hybrid Event with Event Platform. Are you planning an online or hybrid event? Chances are you'll need an event platform. Easily integrate a livestream and connect the platform with other products to gain more insights into the success of your event. Visit Event Platform

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#1 You Put Your Attendees First

A hybrid event is highly audience-focused. After all, you leave the choice up to the attendee. Whether they have a busy schedule or need to balance family life and work, attending your event won’t add unnecessary stress. They can participate in a way that suits them best, allowing them to feel more comfortable and fully focus on the event.

#2 Greater Attendance and Reach

Unlike a physical venue with limited capacity, a well-designed online event platform offers virtually unlimited space or at least more capacity. Additionally, travel distance is no longer a factor in deciding whether to attend your event. By making the event hybrid, you can achieve a much broader reach.

#3 Enhance Interaction

We’re all familiar with the less-than-ideal interaction during, for example, an online meeting. People can get distracted more easily at home. However, a hybrid event also offers significant opportunities for interaction. For many, asking questions online is more accessible and comfortable than doing so offline. After all, you don’t have to stand up in a room and wait for the microphone to reach you to ask a question. This way, online event formats often lead to more interaction with your audience.


Arrange a high-quality livestream. Using multiple cameras that automatically follow the speaker(s), for instance, creates more dynamic visuals and helps maintain the viewer’s attention for longer.

#4 Costs Are Manageable

Unfortunately, a hybrid event is not cheaper than an offline event. After all, you’re essentially organizing two events simultaneously: an online and an offline version. However, the costs for the online component are often lower than those of the offline version. For instance, you don’t need to rent additional venue space or provide food and drinks for these attendees.

#5 Generate More Revenue

Hybrid events also offer opportunities for increased revenue. After all, you have a broader reach! Such advantages are particularly appealing for – for example – sponsorships and can potentially bring in extra income for your organization.

#6 Gather Valuable Insights and Data

One of the major benefits of an online event is data. You can generate far more valuable insights and data about your attendees and their participation in the event. With a hybrid event, you can collect data on your online attendees and combine it with potentially qualitative insights from your physical audience.

#7 The Event Continues Afterwards

For a hybrid event, it’s best to arrange not only a high-quality livestream but also an effective online event platform. This allows you to share professional recordings with your attendees, which is incredibly valuable.

Your attendees can re-watch (parts of) the sessions and revisit the content. This keeps the topics alive – even after the event. Additionally, you can share the content you’ve created afterward with your audience to foster longer engagement. And those great visuals? You can even use them to promote your next event.

More information?

Unsure about the BEST format for your next event: physical, online, or hybrid? We’re here to help! We also offer various products to make your hybrid event an even greater success. Feel free to contact us anytime without obligation.


Streaming Events to a Larger Audience?

Want to stream your event to a larger audience? Try Event Streaming and set up a professional livestream in no time. Our smart software not only ensures that the visuals grab the viewer’s attention but also keep them engaged. Want to know more?

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