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EAZA Education Conference 2025​

The EAZA Education Conference is a biennial event hosted by a different institution each time. It brings together educators from across Europe and beyond for three days of presentations, workshops, and activities focused on sharing good practice and highlighting future trends in zoo and aquarium education. Regularly attracting 150-180 delegates, the EAZA Education Conference provides invaluable opportunities for educators to connect with each other and share their experiences.

The EAZA Education Conference 2025 will be hosted by Chester Zoo, United Kingdom, from 17-21 March, 2025.

EEC25 Theme: 'Zoo Educators Creating Global Conservation Impact'

The education work of zoos and aquariums has the potential to contribute to local communities, national agendas and global conservation goals and targets. The EAZA Education Conference 2025 will explore the role and impact of zoo education and the different ways in which zoo educators can contribute to societal change and conservation locally, nationally and globally, through the following themes:

  • Evidencing our impact

  • Developing our role as leaders

    Enhancing human wellbeing

  • Ensuring everyone has a voice

  • Finding new ways to engage people with conservation

Early-bird registration was available until 21 January 2025.

EAZA Academy

Do not forget to also register for the pre-conference Academy workshop on the 17th of March.

Are you an educator? Do you educate about climate change, environmental health, habitat protection or water conservation? Then the EEC25 workshop is for you! Ocean Literacy is important for ALL of us and is integral to all messages of conservation! Dive right into an EAZA Academy Ocean Literacy workshop!

Hosted by Chester Zoo, UK, this fantastic 1-day workshop is packed with tools and techniques for educators and zoo and aquarium teams on ocean literacy! Supporting the goals of the EU4Ocean Coalition, this workshop will be delivered by expert tutors from Galway Atlantaquaria and the Ocean Conservation Trust!

Fee structure

Regular registration

Early-bird registration

Full attendance



One-day registration



Two-days registration



Remote attendance (Full)



EAZA Academy Workshop Member rate



EAZA Academy Workshop Non-Member rate



Post-conference study visit Liverpool




17-25 March-2025 | Chester Zoo, United Kingdom

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