Ready to explore the new possibilities
About the new Website Builder
Intuitive, comprehensive, modern, and professional - those are some of the principles behind the design of our new builder. No technical headaches or complicated codes. You are free to design the website exactly as you wish and fully customize it to match your brand identity. The enhanced builder gives you a 'What you see is what you get' feeling, and with the power of drag-and-drop, you can effortlessly move various elements of your website exactly where you want them. Pages, images, buttons, and more - like a digital puzzle, you can slide the elements of your website until you are completely satisfied.
Top new features
Drag and drop
With the power of drag-and-drop, you can effortlessly move various elements of your website exactly where you want them.
A slick program that's easily set-up, organised by tracks and that can be filtered by participants for smooth customization.
What you see is what you get
Need we say more? Visualize your event website whilst working on it.
A speaker widget that shows your hosts in a spotlight. Automatically feature all information in a choice of different designs.
Program highlights
Webinar: “How to Use Our New Website Builder”
In-depth tutorial on using the website builder, including hands-on demonstrations.
Q&A Session
Open the floor for questions from the audience regarding the website builder.
Research Presentation
Share research findings and insights that led to the development of the website builder.
Case Studies and Success Stories
Showcase real-life examples of websites created with the new builder.
Phoenixstraat 28b 2611 AL Delft
Support: +31 (0) 15 2400 119 - info@aanmelder.nl
Sales: +31 (0) 15 2002 192 - sales@aanmelder.nl
WSB demo + opties
WSB demo + optiesnicki@aanmelder.nl
WSB demo + optiesnicki@aanmelder.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/demo2024
WSB demo + optiesWSB demo + opties0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
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