Welcome to the registration website for the "competition DHPC Centre" organized by the TU Delft Institute for Computational Science and Engineering (DCSE).
Please use the registration button in the menu above and fill in the form before April 23, 2021
New name competition Delft High Performance Computer
With the arrival of the High Performance Computing facility in Delft it’s time to come up with a more personal name for it. We invite you to come up with suggestions for the best name for DHPC.
The contest is open to all TU Delft staff and students.
The jury will consist of the DHPC-Advisory board and ICT.
The winners prize will be a visit to our Data Centre where the Supercomputer will be installed.
We will contact the winner within about 2 weeks after the closing data.
We are looking forward to your suggestions!
Please register for the DCSE Newsletter to be updated for our upcoming events.
The organization committee
Competition DHPC
Deborah Dongor dcse@tudelft.nl
Deborah Dongor dcse@tudelft.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/competition_dhpc
Competition DHPCCompetition DHPC0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Delft University of Technology, Faculty EEMCSDelft University of Technology, Faculty EEMCSMekelweg 4, Snijders Room LB.01.010 2628 CD Delft Netherlands