UMCG Cohort Symposium
12.00 | Registration and lunch |
12.45 |
Prof. dr. W. Timens
12.50 |
Prof. dr. W.J. Niessen
13.00 |
Regional impact through Mindlines
Dr. Frederike Jörg
13.25 |
Cohort impact on policy
Prof. dr. Lude Franke
14.00 | Break-out session 1 |
Session |
Cohort use cases: Artificial intelligence (AI) - location: Rode Zaal
Chair: prof. dr. R. Vliegenthart
General Movements Assessment in preterm infants using the NeoLifeS cohort: developments in AI
Speakers: Prof. dr. A.F. Bos & M. D'Agata
Implementing machine learning to diagnose allergy using DNA-methylation in childhood
Speaker: Prof. dr. G.H. Koppelman
AI-driven infectious Disease surveillance: Leveraging Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) and Early-warning Response with Neural Information Encoding (ERNIE)
Speaker: Dr. L.L. Peters
Knowledge session: FAIR data - location: Lokaal 5
Chair: E. Gkoumas
Speakers: K. Sulim, Y. Kim, dr. K. Meijer, J. van der Velde
Regional collaboration - location: Ronde Zaal
Chair: dr. C.E. Boorsma
Speakers: C.T.N. Driessen, H.J. Riemeijer
Interactive session: Setting your impact goals - location: Lokaal 8
Chair: R. van der Stijl
Speaker: dr. A.B. Smykowski, T. van Veen
14.45 | Break |
15.15 | Break-out session 2 |
Cohort use cases: Patient impact - location: Lokaal 5
Chair: prof. Dr. W. Timens
PREVEND: an example of hypothesis-driven cohort research
Prof. dr. R.T. Gansevoort
Impact of a nationwide stroke research consortium
Dr. M. Uyttenboogaart
The DUPARC-cohort; lessons learned to improve inclusion and retention
Prof. dr. T. van Laar
Knowledge session: Big Data/AI - location: Rode Zaal
Chair: prof. dr. R. Vliegenthart
Speakers: Prof. dr. G.H. Koppelman, M. van Breugel
Public-Private Collaboration - location: Ronde Zaal
Chair: dr. C.E. Boorsma
Speakers: H.J. Hektor, dr. C.A. Grove, B.M.Y. Sieperda
Interactive session: Patient Perspective - location: Lokaal 8
Chair: R. van der Stijl
Speakers: M. Bak, A.J. van der Meij
16.00 | Poster sessions (scroll down for an poster overview) |
16.45 | Drinks and Networking |
17.30 | Closure |
Posters and stands
A | Lifelines |
B | Research Data Catalogue |
C | Biobanking |
D | Data Support |
No | Cohort | Poster Title |
1A | Amyloïdlines | to be determined |
1B | DUPARC | DUPARC: The Dutch Parkinson and Cognition study |
1C | Mindlines |
MOPHAR: Monitoring somatic consequences of psychotropic drug use and illness in patients with common mental disorders |
1D | Mindlines | PHAMOUS: PHArmacotherapy Monitoring and OUtcome Survey |
1E | ROM-GPS |
ROM-GPS: Routine Outcome Monitoring - Geriatric Psychiatry & Sciences. A cohort study of older adults with affective disorders referred to specialised mental health care. |
1F | TRAILS | Trails |
2A | Lifelines | Unlock your research potential with Lifelines real world data and biobank |
2B | Lifelines ROADH | to be determined |
2C | Imalife | Imaging in Lifelines: ImaLife |
2D | Lifelines NEXT | Lifelines NEXT: Prenatal and early life data in Lifelines |
3A | AHON | to be determined |
3B | GIANTT | GIANTT Groningen Initiative to Analyse Type 2 diabetes Treatment – dynamic cohort 2004-2024 |
3C | Immunolines | Immunolines |
3D | Parelsnoer IBD | to be determined |
4A | Pulmolines | Pulmolines (GRIAC Biobanks for Lung disease) |
4B | OncoLifeS | Do you want to use OncoLifeS data? This is how it works! |
4C | Rehablines | Rehablines databank: (re)using routine clinical data for scientific research in rehabilitation’ |
4D | Acutelines | to be determined |
UMCG Cohort Symposium 2024

UMCG Cohort Symposium
UMCG Cohort Symposium 2024paog@umcg.nl
UMCG Cohort Symposium 2024UMCG Cohort Symposium 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced