We would like to invite you for our

CIN Symposium

24 February 2025 | 16:00 - 17:00
Jo Ritzenzaal: Oxfordlaan 55, Room 0.007



16.00 Welcome
16.05 Rick Voncken
Investigating Choline Concentration Changes, Working Memory, and Long-Range Synchrony in Alzheimer’s Disease; The Role of TACS Theta-Gamma Cross-Frequency Synchronization Using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS)
16.10 Vignesh Shaju
Multiscale Neuroimaging in Translational Neonatology
16.15 A vascular venture into the brain with three expert talks from senior researchers:
Caroline van Heugten, Roel Haeren, Julie Staals
16.55 Closure
17.00 Drinks


17.00 hrs. Drinks
Location: Banditos


On behalf of the Directors,

Pim Heckman, Kim Rijkers, Matthias Wibral