05 October 2023
Walk-in with coffee/tea
Official opening
Carel Meskers (Amsterdam UMC)
"Contrast 2.0"
Keynote - Eline van der Kruk (TU Delft)
"How to sense, think and act about capacity, compensation, and movement objectives."
Short break
Frans van der Helm (TU Delft)
"Care is Coming Home!"
Annette van der Helm (LUMC)
Lunch and networking
Kaspar Jansen (TU Delft)
"Smart Textiles for health monitoring at home"
Malte Asseln (UTwente)
"Development of an Innovative Smart Lumbar Orthosis for Enhanced Load Transfer Support for Caregivers"
Juha Hijmans (UMCG)
"Individualized ROCKer shoes and inSOLE for people with Diabetic Neuropathy"
Kenneth Meijer (Maastricht University)
Short break
Company pitches:
- TMSi
- MoveShelf
- Hankamp
Poster pitches, poster session and demo market
- Claudia Haarman (Hankamp)
- Martin Schepers (MoveShelf)
- Nicolle van Rijswijk (TMSi)
- Luca Wisse (Finapres)
- Marian Bittner (VicarVision)
- Cock Heemskerk & Jasper Schol (Heemskerk Innovative Technology)
- Rogier Barents (Intespring)
- Akash Basu (ANT Neuro)
- Ekaterina Karmanova (TU Delft)
- Aurora Ruiz Rodriguez (UTwente)
- Marit van Dijk (TU Delft)
- Judith Cueto Fernandez (TU Delft)
- Frank Wouda (UTwente)
- Chunchun Wu (UMCG)
Walking Dinner & Drinks
06 October 2023
Walk-in with coffee/tea
Lotte Hagendoorn (Radboudumc)
"Differences and similarities between muscle synergies underlying reactive, voluntary and motor simulated stepping in healthy young individuals."
Mohamed Irfan Refai (UTwente)
"Improving lumbosacral joint moments using EMG-driven musculoskeletal models by including time-varying fatigue dynamics"
Joris van der Cruijsen (Radboudumc)
"Frontocentral EEG response to compensatory stepping to regain balance in healthy individuals and people with stroke"
Menno Veldman (UMCG)
"Somatosensory targeted memory reactivation enhances motor memory consolidation and modulates functional and oscillatory brain activity"
Keynote - Paulus Bakx (Parkinson Vereniging)
"Patient participation"
Short break
Gabriëlle Tuijthof (UTwente)
"Exploring alternative strategies to stimulate medical device innovation"
Ton Rademaker (HTRIC)
Stephanie Jansen-Kosterink (RRD)
"The societal impact of a multidisciplinary, adaptive virtual companionship programme for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease"
Ria Wolkorte (UTwente)
"Preferences of people with rheumatoid arthritis regarding monitoring at home"
Lunch & networking
Keynote - Maaike Kleinsmann (TU Delft)
“Scaling human-centred and technology driven carepaths”
Workshop - Maaike Kleinsmann (TU Delft)
"Designing Healthcare Systems: Seen from a quadruple aim perspective"
CareTech Symposium 2023
CareTech Symposium 2023CareTech Symposium 20230.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Hotel Villa VennendalHotel Villa VennendalVennenpad 5 8072 PX Nunspeet Netherlands