Abstracts and posters
Submission posters for the Benelux Metabolomics Days 2022 is possible til May 10. We encourage all MSc and PhD students to bring a poster of your work, to share this with the community and make new connections.
Call for abstracts for (poster pitch) presentations is closed. The scientific program committee has made a selection of the submitted abstracts for presentations and from the poster submissions 8 early career scientists are selected to give a poster pitch during the plenary program.
- Abstract submission oral presentations is closed
- Notification date oral presentations: 21 April 2022
- Deadline submission posters: 10 May 2022
Submission topics are:
- Single cell metabolomics, new instrumentation, metabolite identification
- Fluxomics & lipidomics
- Food & Nutrition and microbial applications
- Environmental metabolomics
- Biostatistics, data analysis and chemometry
- Artificial Intelligence
- Biomedical applications (cancer, cardiovascular, other)
- Biomedical applications (epidemiological studies, ageing)
Submission guidelines
You can submit your abstract via this Google form:
- You can choose for:
- a presentation (12-15 minutes) if selected otherwise poster; (closed)
- a poster presentation (with possible 5 minute pitch); (closed)
- a poster presentation only. (open til May 10)
- We will ask you for the following information:
- Title of the presentation
- (co-) authors & affiliations
- Short summary of your abstract (outline of your presentation), max 100 words.
- Upload a more detailed outline of your presentation (max 1 page, A4), and supporting documents
Presentation guidelines
Oral presentations
Please prepare an oral presentation of 12-15 minutes. There will be a combined slot for questions from the audience at the end of the session. Please prepare your presentation in Powerpoint 16:9 format.
Poster pitch presentations
Please prepare one or two Powerpoint slides. Please prepare your presentation in Powerpoint 16:9 format.
Poster presentations
Posters should be prepared in A0 portrait format (height: 1189 mm (46.81 inches) and width: 841 mm (33.11 inches))
Poster set up time: during registration.
< Submit your Poster here >
Benelux Metabolomics Days 2022
Benelux Metabolomics Days 2022 femke.francissen@metabolomicscentre.nl
Benelux Metabolomics Days 2022 femke.francissen@metabolomicscentre.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/bmd2022
Benelux Metabolomics Days 2022 Benelux Metabolomics Days 2022 0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Villa JongeriusVilla JongeriusKanaalweg 64 3527 KX Utrecht Netherlands